Hypericum oil: uses and beneficial properties

Hypericum oil is an oil with incredible beneficial properties. Produced from the maceration of the flowers of the Hypericum perforatum plant, it is used as a natural remedy for its powerful healing action, useful both in case of pressure sores or burns, which in the field of beauty, to make your skin smoother and softer.

Hypericum perforatum is a plant also known by the name of St. John's wort: according to tradition, in fact, the flowers of St. John's wort are harvested to produce oil on the night of June 24, that is, the night of St. John, which corresponds to summer solstice. It is in fact a symbolically charged moment of energy, which fills the St. John's wort oil with all the energy of the sun.

The properties of this "essential oil are given by its high content of carotene and flavonoids, precious substances for our body. Let's find out together everything there is to know about this" oleolite, from the recipe to prepare the product to its remedies. Meanwhile, here's a video on how and when to use essential oils:

What is St. John's wort oil used for? Healing uses

St. John's wort oil, as we have said, has a strong healing property, which allows it to be used for healing purposes, such as in the case of bedsores or burns. In fact, it is enough to apply St. John's oil directly on the sores caused by burns to feel immediate relief. The pain-relieving action of the essential oil is truly extraordinary.

The oil will allow the skin to heal faster, without leaving the typical wrinkles of scars that characterize burns and making it heal faster. You can also use it in case of sunburn.

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Properties of St. John's wort oil for your beauty

St. John's wort oil is one of the most used essential oils as natural remedies for skin problems: it is a real panacea, in fact, in case of skin blemishes, psoriasis, dry skin, but also skin imperfections such as cellulite and acne Its regenerating properties have been known since the dawn of time! It is no coincidence that it has many uses in the beauty sector, especially for the creation of anti-wrinkle creams and lotions. Its anti-aging action is unparalleled!

If you suffer from skin blemishes, St. John's wort oil - among all essential oils - is the right one for you: using it on areas where there are skin alterations (such as the cursed stretch marks), you will see an improvement due to the its healing and emollient action. Try it on thighs, buttocks, belly and breasts!

But that's not all: St. John's wort oil can also become an after-sun. Its emollient action will help the skin rehydrate. But be careful never to use it before sun exposure, or you could get the opposite result!

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The recipe: how to prepare St. John's wort oil with fresh flowers and olive oil!

So here we are at the recipe to prepare your essential oil at home! It is a really simple recipe, it all lies in being able to get the fresh flowers of Hypericum perforatum, which should be harvested manually on land where the plant can grow away from urban pollution and other forms of contamination. Better still if in the night. of San Giovanni!

Once the flowers have been harvested, they should be stored in an airtight glass jar, covered with olive oil. If you do not have olive oil, sunflower oil can also work. Close the container and leave it in the sun for a month. Remember, every now and then, to turn it over so that it can mix the inside. a few days, the oil will turn red.

After a month, you will be able to filter the essential oil from the jar through a very thin cloth, and then pour it all into a dark glass bottle, always hermetically sealed. Et voilà, your St. John's wort oil is ready!

Where to find pure St. John's wort oil?

If you don't have the desire or time to prepare your hypericum oil at home with our recipe, don't worry: it is quite easy to find it on the market too! You can easily find it on the market, in fact, both in herbal medicine and in pharmacies, in some cases even in supermarkets, especially those with organic and natural products. Otherwise, you can purchase the product online.

The price is generally not very high, but a lot depends on the brands, the quality of the oil or the format. In fact, you can buy pure St. John's wort oil (which will probably have a higher price) or mixed with other substances, such as jojoba oil.

For more scientific information about St. John's wort oil, you can consult the Humanitas website.

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