3 ways to stop coughing at night and go back to a peaceful sleep

The winter months, as we know, are characterized by fireplaces, fleeces, coats, Christmas and the dear and little loved influence.
Obviously this comes in different forms and essences, year by year. Beyond the high fevers, vomiting and diarrhea (not a little annoying), colds, ear and throat pain, there is a symptom that is equally annoying: cough. Coughing fits are a terrible annoyance, especially if it is night and your family would like to sleep instead of attending a concert. Here are 3 remedies for this nocturnal nuisance, which favor one of the main enemies of the flu: rest. And on video here are other precious enemies of the flu, see:

1. The position in which you sleep

It would be appropriate not to sleep completely stretched out. Support your torso with pillows before going to sleep and try to rest on more than one pillow. This will prevent mucus from returning to your throat when lying down during the night. Furthermore, in the supine position, breathing would be even more difficult! So, off to the reclining pillow ...

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2. Herbal teas and gargle before going to bed

There are a number of herbal teas that are great for reducing the effects of coughing and calming it. One is clearly the ginger one. But also herbal tea with licorice root, always accompanied by a healthy spoonful of honey. Chocolate can also be an excellent cough remedy. Taking these herbal teas before going to bed could greatly facilitate rest. Also it can help gargle with salt water. If you are congested and coughing, saltwater gargles can help loosen phlegm in the airways. Like? Simple: mix a teaspoon of salt in 240 ml of hot water to dissolve it completely, being careful not to ingest the substance, gargle for about 15 seconds, then spit and repeat. Finally rinse your mouth with fresh water.

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3. A shower before going to sleep

What to do before going to bed? Another method of promoting rest is a simple hot shower. In fact, before going to sleep, it will be good for dry airways to immerse yourself in a steam bath and absorb the humidity from the room before going to sleep. A little tip! A gem: always keep a glass of water on the bedside table, in this way, if you wake up for a cough during the night, you can clear your throat by drinking a long sip of water

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We anticipate the flu by fighting it with sports, healthy environments and food ad hoc:

See also: Foods that strengthen the immune system: 10 super foods to face the winter

© iStock Foods that strengthen the immune system

To learn more about nocturnal cough, you can also consult the article by dr. Pier Luigi Diano and the pulmonologist Enrico Ballor

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