How to have white teeth: 8 tips for a bright smile

How to have white teeth? We know how much the health of the teeth and the whole mouth also and above all affects feeling good about yourself and at ease with others. The icing on the cake for a dazzling smile is white teeth, that's why we want to reveal how to get them. But first, we recommend watching a short video with some grandma's remedies to be beautiful.

1 - Watch out for drinks

If you are looking for a way to whiten your teeth, avoid resorting to aggressive and harmful whitening methods. Be aware that most dark or deep-colored drinks can contribute to tooth staining. Some examples? Coffee, tea and red wine as well as cocktails, but also blueberry, blackberry and pomegranate juices can leave unsightly stains and the same goes for smoothies that contain these fruits.
A trick to avoid discoloration and damage to your teeth when drinking fruit juices and sodas is to use a straw. To avoid coffee stains, remember to rinse your mouth with water immediately after drinking it.
By following these simple steps you will be able to maintain a healthy, blemish-free smile for longer, and your teeth will remain their natural color.

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2 - Go for sugar-free foods

Foods high in sugar are very appetizing, but they are really bad for your teeth. Try to avoid foods and snacks that are high in fat and sugar by starting a balanced diet, which also includes lots of fruits and vegetables. You will begin to see the difference especially as time goes on.
In some fruits and vegetables there are often hidden sugars that can cause tooth decay, especially if you don't follow a good oral hygiene regimen. You can eat everything, the important thing is to do it in moderation and without exaggerating.

3 - Do not smoke

The number one enemy of healthy white teeth is smoking. Smoking is part of those bad habits that could irreparably stain your teeth. No to cigarettes, cigars and anything else. If you are a heavy smoker you will know that nicotine and more, tends to settle on the teeth and then you can say goodbye to white enamel.
Stop smoking or chewing tobacco, not only because they stain your teeth, but also because they can cause serious problems for your oral and general health.
As for e-cigarettes, theoretically they shouldn't cause stains on your teeth as they don't contain tar or smoke, however, they do contain nicotine, which can reduce your ability to produce saliva. This can lead to plaque buildup and bad breath.

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4 - Get periodic check-ups at the dentist

To have a healthy mouth, you need to have periodic check-ups at your dentist, at least once every six months. Only he will be able to advise you on the right care for your teeth and will notice any cavities or other problems. Dentists and hygienists also offer the possibility of performing a deep cleaning of the mouth, capable of removing hidden plaque and stains present on the surface of the enamel, even without the need to use bleaching agents. A visit to the dentist will surely make your smile more beautiful.
If you notice bleeding gums, sore teeth, or stains on your tooth enamel, you may need to see your dentist more often. If you experience any of these symptoms, book a visit now to stop the problem in its tracks and prevent it from escalating.

5 - Brush your teeth well

Proper and thorough cleaning of the teeth involves using the toothbrush for at least 2-3 minutes. Proceeding carefully and methodically, without being hasty, you can get an excellent result of white teeth. How to do?

  • Tilt the toothbrush towards where the teeth meet the gums, approximately 45 degrees, for an ideal result.
  • Brush the inside, outside and top (or bottom) of each tooth. Don't forget to also brush the back of your front teeth, your wisdom teeth.
  • Also brush your tongue: it is not obvious, but a series of bacteria responsible for canker sores, bad breath and plaque on the teeth are deposited on the tongue.

Remember: the teeth should be brushed at least 2 or 3 times a day and in any case always after all meals.

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6 - Change your toothbrush often

If used often and well, the toothbrush must be changed at least once every three months, in fact with use it becomes less and less effective. So remember to buy a new one about every three months. Replace your old toothbrush as soon as you notice that the bristles they begin to bend or open outwards. Remember to always replace the toothbrush after having had even a simple cold or flu, this gesture will be important to prevent a relapse.
Keep your toothbrush clean and dry to avoid mold growth or the breeding of harmful bacteria. Store it upright so it can be exposed to air and dry properly.

7 - Choose your toothpaste well

Toothpaste performs a very important function, namely that of fighting bacteria, purifying the mouth and counteracting any problems in the oral cavity. It should be chosen very carefully, because it will be used frequently and therefore must be to our liking. There are many types of toothpaste on the market, only by knowing your teeth well can you make the right choice. If we are not sure, we can ask the dentist for advice to avoid making mistakes in the choice.

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8 - Use a fluoride mouthwash

Using a fluoride mouthwash also does its part to help maintain white teeth. If you want to give your teeth and mouth extra protection, you can use a regular mouthwash that can be purchased at any supermarket. For most people it is advisable to use alcohol-free mouthwash Rinse by holding the mouthwash in your mouth for at least 30-60 seconds, then throw it down the sink without ever ingesting it.

How to have white teeth: take advantage of these natural remedies

Rather than relying on unreliable whitening treatments and risking worsening the situation, we want to give you some suggestions to put into practice together with all the rules described in the previous paragraphs. Let's see what you can do to whiten stained teeth: home remedies.

  • Bicarbonate

Get some baking soda and use it with your toothbrush. How? Take a little baking soda with the bristles of your toothbrush, add a few drops of water and rub gently. Then rinse. Baking soda is one of the best home whiteners ever. However, it should be used with caution because it has a strong abrasive power. Do not use this method. more than once a month.

  • Sage

Get a sage leaf and place it on the tip of your index finger: as if it were a toothbrush, pass it over your teeth, with slow, rotating movements. Or you can break it up finely and mix it with toothpaste. Sage is rich in disinfectants, which is why it is perfect for protecting the gums and fighting bad breath. In addition, it respects the enamel of the teeth, making them smooth and shiny. Sage is a whitening remedy to be used 2 or 3 times a week.

  • Lemon

Lemon juice, salt and turmeric powder will be used to create a natural mouthwash to use after brushing your teeth well. The slight acidity of the lemon juice and the slight friction of the salt grains will immediately improve the appearance of the tooth surface. Turmeric on the other hand, having anti-inflammatory properties, will be useful in case of red gums. This method is fine if used no more than once a month.

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  • Strawberry

Choose a strawberry that is not too ripe, cut it in half and then brush it over your teeth, focusing on the most stubborn stains. The mild acidity of the fruit will help weaken the build-up of pigments from the darker drinks staining the glaze. Use this method no more than 2 times a month.

  • Apple cider vinegar

Two fingers of apple cider vinegar in a glass will be enough to rinse for at least one minute. The acidity of the vinegar also in this case will act on the stains left by tea, coffee, cigarette smoke. It can be done once a week.

  • Olive oil

Get a sterile gauze and some olive oil. Pour a few drops of oil over the gauze then pass it over your teeth with circular movements. Thanks to its very low acidity, olive oil acts on stains but is delicate on the enamel and it does not affect it.Do not use this method more than once a week.

  • Lemon or orange peel

Remove the peel of a lemon or orange, rub the inner (white) part of the citrus peel on the teeth. The mechanical action is similar to that of a soft gum. You can do it, for example, in the case of emergency at the end of a meal, perhaps when you are out and you do not have the possibility to wash yourself with a toothbrush. In addition, some experts also recommend finishing lunch by biting into an apple or munching a stalk of celery: they will better clean the hard-to-reach spaces, those between tooth and tooth.

Where to buy the best products for your oral hygiene?

Professional teeth whitening kit

Professional kit to whiten your teeth at home - on Amazon for 24.99 €

© Amazon See on Amazon>

Fairywill Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrush with sonic technology for deep cleaning of the entire oral cavity

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See on Amazon> <

Tags:  Old-Couple Horoscope Beauty