What pizza are you based on your zodiac sign

Each pizza has a different character and its own personality. Curious to find out which pizza do you resemble the most? Try to browse your zodiac sign ... that all horoscope (and pizza) lovers come forward, here there is bread for their teeth!

But first, take a look at which adjectives best describe your zodiac sign:

Aries: pizza Margherita!

Simple, straightforward, direct: simply number one! Aries is like pizza margherita, it doesn't need frills or appear different from what it is to be delicious. Her sincerity may sometimes appear brutal to you, but you don't mess with her at all: she is absolutely irreplaceable.

See also

Stones and zodiac signs: do you know the stone of your sign?

Decluttering: what to eliminate based on the zodiac sign

Cancer: here are all the characteristics and mysteries of the zodiac sign

Toro: Four cheeses pizza!

Mozzarella, parmesan, gorgonzola and provola ... a real Toro would never say no! The Taurus girls love good food and tend to be greedy ... and which pizza can be more greedy than an "excellent four cheeses? Tasty and inviting, just like a Torella.

Gemini: pizza Mare e monti!

Twins have dual personalities, but their two halves look great together and make them unique and special! Exactly like the Pizza Mare e monti, which combines cooked ham and mushrooms in one half with mixed seafood in the second. Impossible to get tired of them!

Cancer: Capricciosa pizza!

Cancer girls tend to be quite temperamental ... just like the famous pizza, topped with tomato, mozzarella, artichokes, ham, mushrooms and olives! That yes, it makes whims, but it is always very good. Just like a Cancerian.

Leone: pizza Four seasons!

What pizza could be more like a Lioness of a beautiful Four Seasons? In this pizza with tomato, mozzarella, artichokes, cooked ham, mushrooms and olives, nothing is missing! Just like a Lioness, queen of the zodiac and always a protagonist on every occasion.

Virgo: Boscaiola pizza!

The Virgin loves the mountains: she loves the air and the scent of the woods, that silent peace in which to concentrate ... and for this reason the pizza that most resembles her is the Boscaiola pizza, with tomato, mozzarella, sausage and mushrooms! goodness with all the scent of a virgin's free spirit.

Libra: Shrimp pizza!

Delicate, refined, aesthetically satisfying: shrimp pizza is just perfect for a Libra. Like her, it has a sophisticated flavor, but without excess. And Libra, we know, is one that holds a lot to the balance and harmony of the whole, even in the kitchen.

Scorpio: piazza Diavola!

The spicy Scorpioncina can only resemble the Diavola! This excellent pizza with tomato, mozzarella and spicy salami has something aphrodisiac, capable of igniting the hottest spirits ... just like the girls of Scorpio, the sexiest of the zodiac!

Sagittarius: Wurstel pizza and chips!

If the Sagittarius girls were a pizza they would undoubtedly be a nice Wurstel and chips! This is because, after all, they are always girls, at any age! They know how to have fun, they are surrounded by friends and they love adventure ... their spirit is always young.

Capricorn: pizza Marinara!

The right adjective to define a Capricorn? Essential. Just like a Marinara pizza: tomato, garlic and oregano are enough to make it delicious, and there is no need for anything else. Essential, of course, but with taste. And the tasteful Capricornines have plenty to sell!

Aquarium: Vegetarian pizza!

Aquarius are women full of ideals, who fight for their dreams. The pizza that most resembles him is the Vegetarian: mozzarella, zucchini and grilled aubergines. All healthy ingredients and all cruelty free! What more could one ask for activists like them?

Fish: pizza alla Pescatora!

Which pizza can resemble Pescioline more than Pescatora, with all those delicious seafood? Pisces are the water sign par excellence, and they show it with all their emotionality and marked sensitivity. And there is no more "water" pizza than the Pescatora one. Enjoy your meal!

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