At 5 he defeats cancer and makes the world feel his courage to the rhythm of "Roar"

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We are in 2013 and little Alexandra is only five years old. Doctors give her a few days to live because unfortunately kidney cancer is killing her. Immediately begins the long chemotherapy sessions in the hospital.
After 28 weeks of chemotherapy, eight rounds of radiation and three surgeries, Alexandra doesn't give up: her strength and courage help her defeat the tumor but also make her dream come true, roar like Katy Perry!

In fact, thanks to the "Make-A-Wish association, which helps to fulfill the wishes of seriously ill children, Alexandra is able to fulfill hers: making a music video in which she sings and dances. Not just any song, but" Roar "( roar) by Katy Perry, her idol, and now little Alexandra has her own video clip.

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At first he sings in his little room full of stuffed animals, instead of the microphone he holds a brush, then he gets out of a big limo with a purple wig on his head while "roaring" showing his strength and this time he sings on a big stage. A little Katy Perry.

And never was a song more apt: «Because I am a champion and you will hear me roar. Stronger, stronger than a lion ».

Alexandra's cry of courage