These photos are proof that pregnancy can be downright sexy!

At the latest edition of the Oscars, Elsa Pataky, wife of Chris "Thor" Hemsworth, was ridiculed by the media for wearing a dress that did not disguise her baby bump, but rather put it on display in the flashes of photographers.

No one seemed to have noticed the splendid smile that lit up the actress's face as she walked the red carpet. On the contrary, they all remained stupidly shocked by the vision of the baby bump, as if the idea of ​​a woman feeling beautiful and sexy during pregnancy is a wrong thing.

Fortunately, there are people like London-based photographer, Sandi Ford, who has decided to change the idea that pregnant women shouldn't be sexy. All this she did with her latest project, where she celebrates their attractive beauty.

In her studio in London, Sandi has made a series of stunning photos titled "Beautiful Bumps", which highlight how creating a new life can make women even more confident and even more attractive.

Beautiful Bumps

See also

Gorgonzola in pregnancy: what are the risks? It can be inserted into the power supply

Osteopath for newborns: how neon osteopathy works and what can be useful for

Sixth month of pregnancy: what happens in these crucial weeks?

© Sandi Ford, Kirsten

"I hope to represent how beautiful pregnancy can be. For many years, pregnant women hid their bodies in loose clothing and showing the shapes of pregnancy was strongly discouraged. I am glad that times have changed, perhaps thanks to the scandal photos of Demi Moore in the "90s."

Discover all of Sandi's works here!