Test / Which Little Women Character Are You?

Christmas is approaching and all of us romantics can't help but think back to the beloved March sisters, protagonists of Little Women, the novel by Louisa May Alcott that made the hearts of more than a generation beat faster. Watching the movie with Winona Ryder as Jo is now an established tradition, like decorating the Christmas tree (look how nice this with DIY decorations):

Find out now with our test which character from Little Women resembles the most, whether the wise Meg, the saucy Jo, the shy Beth or the romantic Amy!

See also

Test: which Mean Girls character are you?

Test: Which Gray's Anatomy Character Is Your Ideal Man?

Test: which Game of Thrones character are you based on your personality?

And if it is a tradition for us every Christmas to review the Little Women film for the hundredth time, find out what are the Christmas traditions of countries far from ours:

Tags:  Old-Couple Actuality Fashion