Anorexia nervosa: the meaning, the causes, the initial symptoms and the cure to recover from this disorder

Anorexia, like bulimia nervosa, is a very common eating disorder, especially among young women, which can even lead to death. Here is what there is to know about the meaning of this pathology, from its initial symptoms to the causes, up to the possible cure.

Never forget that a correct eating style is the basis of our health and there are foods that it is really essential to take to stay healthy:

Anorexia nervosa: the meaning

Anorexia, as we have said, is an eating disorder that affects 1-2% of women, often between the ages of 12 and 20. Men are also affected at times, but in much lower percentages.

Of course, some women sometimes exhibit anorexic behaviors during a weight loss diet, however we must not get confused: anorexia is a disease that has nothing to do with the desire to lose weight in order to get back into a 38!

See also

Bulimia: what it is, the meaning of bulimia nervosa and how to treat it

Sociopathic: how to recognize this disorder the most recurrent behaviors

Fear of driving: causes, symptoms and how to overcome amaxophobia

The consequences of anorexia nervosa and what it entails

In her daily life, the anorexic is constantly struggling with hunger and food. She can lose up to 50% of her weight, and the consequences of this malnutrition can be varied and numerous: insomnia, hair loss, fatigue, blocking of menstruation, bone decalcification, pressure drops ...

Curing this disease is a very long and difficult process, and only 1/3 of patients completely get out of it. Many of them maintain an obsessive relationship with food and still remain very thin. 10% die of it, either from suicide or from malnutrition.

The causes of anorexia nervosa and the initial symptoms

People who come from apparently united families of good social extraction also suffer from anorexia. The famous princess Sissi, for example, is one of the first known cases of anorexia.

Psychologists have difficulty defining the causes of this disease. Fashion, mass media and models have often been accused of inciting anorexia. For some young women, this explanation of the weight loss rush seems sufficient. We have an idea of ​​this by considering the development of "pro-ana" (pro-anorexia) blogs, in which young women pride themselves on eating an apple a day and publish phrases such as "thinness is the basis of beauty".

Doctors often find that young anorexic girls refuse to become women: to have periods, large breasts and hips. Deprived of food, their body resembles that of a young girl as closely as possible.

On the other hand, anorexics suffer from great feelings of guilt and feel that they are not entitled to pleasure. Now, since the most easily accessible pleasure is that given by food, they refuse to eat. Often then, they give in and have fits from bulimia: they gorge themselves without feeling pleasure and induce vomiting. Often the sense of guilt is caused by a "traumatizing experience: the divorce of the parents, a" sexual experience lived badly ...

Anorexia: the cure

For a long time, the only cure for anorexia was hospitalization (sometimes forced), which implies the total isolation of the patient from her family. Medicine today tries to adapt treatments to the individual situation of each patient.

In any case, it is essential to have medical, psychological and nutritional checks. The road to recovery, to the recovery of a balanced diet and a healthy weight, is long and difficult. Relapses are frequent, but after years of struggle, complete recovery and a return to a healthy life are possible. However, 20-25% of ex-anorexics remain obsessed with food throughout their lives.

Eating disorders must absolutely be addressed: they are among the things that drastically reduce your life expectancy:

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