Does your he suffer from premature ejaculation? Here's how to tackle the problem (and fix it)

Faced with a Him who suffers from premature ejaculation - and in Italy we are talking about 30% of men - it is not easy to react in the right way and we often tend to blame each other.
What can we women do to avoid making the situation even more difficult and delicate?

Here are some tips:

1- Don't feel you are not attractive or loved enough

Love and feelings have nothing to do with a problem that should be addressed, first of all, by contacting a specialist.

See also

4 tips to delay premature ejaculation

The ejaculation

Squirting: what female ejaculation is and how it works

2- Don't lose patience

Getting angry is useless, rather try to show yourself willing to listen to what He has to say to you. And if he doesn't, try to find a good time to talk about it calmly.

3- Be honest

Ignoring or underestimating it won't help the couple either. If the problem exists and it is not a sporadic failure, it is better to face the situation with clarity and understanding.

4- Contact a specialist

It is often not easy to get a man to seek help with such a delicate matter. But the solutions and remedies are there, let him understand that you will both benefit once the problem is solved.

5- Stay close to him

If your He decides to undertake a path of therapy - medical and / or psychological - do not leave him alone in facing him, stay close to him and encourage him.