Apple cider vinegar for arthrosis of the hands: a natural remedy

Apple cider vinegar is a preparation that you can use in the kitchen but that you will find very useful for many other daily uses. Apple cider vinegar is one of the many grandmother's remedies that are very suitable for many other purposes: it makes hair shiny and silky, it's good for your skin, it even fights arthrosis of the hands! In short, there are many reasons not to give up having it at home: discover them all by watching this video!

Apple cider vinegar for arthrosis hands: natural do-it-yourself remedies

Vitamin A is very useful to the body for thyroid hormones, eyesight and skin. Vitamins A and C strengthen the immune system. The second in particular also regulates the metabolism and the production of adrenaline. Furthermore, the mineral salts contained in it, such as magnesium, potassium, sodium and sulfur, rebalance the states of gastric acidity that irritate and inflame the stomach, causing the famous "heartburn". You can try using it as a simple "do it yourself" natural remedy to treat various types of ailments.
Inflammations: Apple cider vinegar has a good anti-inflammatory effect. To use it for this purpose, you must dilute a teaspoon of it in a glass of warm water to drink in the morning for three weeks. To inflame the oral cavity and throat you can gargle with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in half a glass of water. Use it, therefore, for canker sores, dental abscesses, pharyngitis and laryngitis. Digestion problems: to improve digestion, rebalancing gastric secretions, dilute a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of lukewarm plain water and drink it before lunch. For insect bites: massage the affected area with a gauze soaked in a little apple cider vinegar. For inflamed joints: in case of arthritis, joint pain, hallux valgus Apple cider vinegar compresses on painful parts are useful. Hot compresses moistened with vinegar heated on the fire are useful for osteoarthritis, as long as there is no swelling. For hair care: it is a excellent remedy for hair, it strengthens them and makes them shiny. Just pour a glass into a liter of water for rinsing.

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Apple cider vinegar for arthrosis of the hands: how is it treated?

Apple cider vinegar is an ancient natural remedy, known precisely for reducing inflammation and stiffness in the joints and, therefore, as well as for knees and shoulders, it is also effective for the back of the hands and fingers. It is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis and psoriatic arthritis. Apple cider vinegar, containing many minerals that are beneficial for bone and joint health, can prevent joint pain from worsening. In addition to these minerals, this product also contains antioxidants, which reduce inflammation and protect the human body from free radicals. Among these antioxidants are beta carotene and acetic acid. The enzymes contained in the product improve digestion and in this way the beneficial micronutrients for the joints are well absorbed by the body. A contributing cause of the pain of arthrosis in the hands are the toxins accumulated in this area of ​​the body. This is too much acidity in the hands. The alkalizing power of apple cider vinegar reduces it and, therefore, also improves joint pain, as well as digestion and other ailments. To treat arthrosis of the hands you can drink apple cider vinegar, diluted in a glass of water. But it can also be used for local use. In fact, for this pathology, a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar can be applied to the inflamed areas. If mixed with coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil , the beneficial effect increases. You can also take an evening bath and pour a cup of it in the tub water, to soothe inflammation, edema and joint pain. Other benefits of apple cider vinegar: in addition to the reduction of symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout, contributes to weight loss and lowers blood sugar and cholesterol.

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Arthrosis hands: specific creams and nutrition

Adjuvants in the treatment of arthrosis of the hands are specific creams, made only with natural substances, nutrition rich in antioxidants, movement and stretching of the fingers. Creams for arthrosis contain Devil's claw, Boswellia, marine collagen, glucosamine sulphate, chondroitin sulfate; they have a rather quick pain relieving effect and counteract joint stiffness. These creams are also suitable for pains in the shoulders, back, hips, and also effective for muscle tears and inflammation. Nutrition is also very important, which must be rich in antioxidants and micronutrients. You must therefore consume a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, extra virgin olive oil, chicken, fish, low-fat dairy products and spices. In short, a suitable diet to provide nourishment, but at the same time well-being to the body. Foods that create acidity and therefore alcohol, red meat, sausages and cured meats, dairy products with saturated fats, carbonated drinks, refined flour, sweets, candies, pretzels, chips and packaged foods should be completely avoided. Moderate and regular physical activity is very beneficial to those with arthrosis in the hands. Exercising reduces inflammation and joint swelling and promotes blood circulation.

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Apple cider vinegar for arthrosis of the hands: are there any contraindications?

Apple cider vinegar is good without any problems, but it is always advisable to dilute it in water. It should not be consumed if you are taking diabetes medicine. Although there are no specific contraindications, some suffer from throat irritation, abdominal pain, wear of tooth enamel, but these are rare and mild side effects. This remedy is used by many people who suffer from joint pain, although there does not seem to be any scientific evidence on its curative efficacy for arthrosis of the hands. However, it is really rich in antioxidants and, therefore, can definitely decrease the symptoms of this disease, from burning to itching and joint stiffness. Obviously our article is for information purposes and is not intended to replace the opinion of a specialist, to whom it is always good to contact before using any natural or chemical product.

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