I'm pregnant! Here are 40 imaginative and fun ways to tell everyone

One of the most exciting things for a pregnant woman is announcing it to others. Such beautiful news that we would like to make it memorable, never banal.

And what happens, then, when the pregnancy must also be announced to distant friends and relatives, who do not see each other every day? With the success and importance of social networks in our lives, in fact, giving such news is like giving news to the whole world.

See also

Getting pregnant at 40: the point about female fertility over 40

20, 30 or 40 and beyond? What is the best age to get pregnant?

Riddles for children: the funniest to stimulate the mind

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Communication on social media, then, is increasingly imaginative and creative, and to say anything there is a real competition to be original. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social networks have in fact stimulated such a competition of imagination that involves even future mothers and fathers, who have to tell the world that they are "pregnant".

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And so future mothers and fathers, thanks also to the happiness they feel, have used them all, to say they are expecting a baby, especially on social networks, revealing a talent worthy of the best creative directors of advertising agencies!

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From puzzles and additions to babies soon to be evicted from cribs to make room for new tenants, to future playmates dogs and women already eating for two, there are plenty of imaginative ways to say you're pregnant.
We have found 40, tender and funny, which could give you some ideas if one day it will be you, to say you are pregnant ...

Discover 40 imaginative ways to say you're pregnant, and you won't be able to hold back a smile ...