Perfect lover or just a good friend? 6 signs to tell if he's attracted to you

Beautiful presence, wonderful talk, perfect feeling. Whether it's the first time you meet or it's your tenth, the question that resonates in your head is: how do I know if he likes me? Of course, men aren't known for being complicated, or at least they weren't. We always seem to be able to clearly read the signals that by sending but at the same time we make millions of films, especially if we haven't made "love for a while". Then of course there is always the perfect man who, according to research, for most women is exactly like this:

6 signs to tell if he's attracted to you

The truth is one, the difference between a fabulous friend and an excellent partner is sexual attraction. And, to start a story, chemistry is essential. Let's see how to read the body language of men and understand what perspectives we have before us (also to avoid idlers and narcissistic men).

See also

Fuck friends: with a friend you can share everything, even the bed!

Sex friend: the reasons why you should immediately look for a friend of the bed

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1. Know if he's attracted to how his lips and mouth move

Slowly opening the lips, slightly, indicates interest, attraction. As if a small form of astonishment, veiled, leaked from that expression. Furthermore, bringing so many things to your mouth and drinking, smoking, eating with more voracity than usual are the expression of a desire, such as that of kissing you, which must somehow be compensated for by something else. More or less like this, right?

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If he's attracted to you, you can tell by touching his hair

The gestures speak, the gestures communicate the intentions hidden behind the conventions. A man who has neatly styled hair is a man who wants to feel attractive. If he starts to touch them, to move them, to run his hands through his hair just when he is with you, the signal is clear: he wants to highlight his feeling of attractive, he wants to make you understand that he is attracted to you. Of course, if you like the man with short hair or without hair, unfortunately this signal is not for you.

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3.Hands and face are one of the most visible signs of being attracted

They are the first things we notice, they are the first parts of the body that speak to us. The hands move nervously, touch the shirt, arrange the hair, drum. Or they are hands that come into contact with the face: they touch the cheeks, touch the lips, caress the neck. It is an inevitable expression of nervousness, which comes out like a river in flood. If he is attracted to you he will be nervous, he will want to have you, possess you, and not being able to do it spontaneously pushes men to restrain themselves and feel nervous, in the most beautiful sense possible

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4. Position of the legs: if he stretches them he is telling you that he is attracted

You are sitting in front of a nice glass of wine and chatting. At one point he stretches his legs, stretches them. Great! What are you doing? He is telling you that he is attracted to you! Stretching his legs forward, the man highlights the lower part of the body, the one where the "scepter" of sexual power resides! Also, if he crosses his legs and the upper one is facing you, he is opening up, trying to create a physical nook where you are welcome

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5. If he is attracted to you there is a primordial signal: the display of phallic symbols

Yes, it's strange, especially when we realize that we are not in an erotic dream but at an aperitif. But that's the way it is, we are animals, and sexuality is a voracious instinct that is also expressed through unconscious mechanisms. And if a man wants to make love with you, if he is attracted to you, he makes you understand through the display of phallic symbols: touching the tie, holding the pen, touching the middle finger, touching the thigh, repeatedly taking a glass and hold it in his hand, are all modalities that remind him of the gestures relating to the penis. And if they don't communicate something like that, how else?

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6. The eyes don't lie: if he's looking at you, he wants to have you

If he constantly moves his lashes, it is to moisten his eyes. Do you know what it means? Who wants them to be more languid and luminous, therefore more beautiful. But the truth is one, and it is very simple: if he looks at you, even if it can be annoying sometimes for us women, it is because he likes you, it is because he wants you and is making you understand that he is attracted to you! I mean, if he's looking at you like that ...

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