10 foods to keep hunger pangs at bay and increase the sense of satiety

Being able to control sudden hunger attacks is certainly the first step to take to embark on a weight loss path or even simply to keep fit.

First we must learn to distinguish between the need for food and the desire for food, in the second case it is a psychological desire that we can keep at bay with a little good will and also with a little cunning, or by choosing more foods with high satiating potential in our diet.

So what are the foods that reduce the sense of hunger and make us feel more satisfied? Here are 10.

See also

Foods for a diet: the 10 best foods for weight loss

Nervous hunger: how to manage the urge to eat all the time

How to stop hunger: 8 effective tips to reduce appetite

1. Almonds

Source of antioxidants, magnesium and vitamins, almonds are to be considered among the foods capable of reducing the sense of hunger and are an excellent choice for snacks to break hunger.

2. Ginger

Also known for its anti-nausea properties, ginger promotes a sense of satiety. How to consume it? Both in the form of a decoction but also as a spice to flavor dishes.

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3. Apples

Rich in soluble fiber and pectin, an element that increases the sense of satiety, apples also regulate blood glucose and increase our energy. Even the chewing times of apples help to stave off hunger pangs as the body has time to understand that you are no longer hungry.

4. Green tea

According to experts, the catechin contained in green tea helps to inhibit the transport of glucose to fat cells, which slows the rise in blood sugar levels and prevents insulin peaks and subsequent fat accumulation.

5. Tofu

An important source of vegetable protein and widely consumed by vegetarians and vegans, tofu is rich in genistein, an isoflavone that has been shown to help reduce appetite. You can consume it in cubes or sauté it in a pan with vegetables and soy sauce.

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6. Avocado

This fruit is considered able to reduce appetite, if consumed in moderation. In fact, the beneficial fats contained in it are found to be able to contribute to the sending of signals to the brain that make it known as our stomach is full and that no more food has to be introduced.

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7. Chilli

According to research published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, half a teaspoon a day of chilli pepper would be enough to accelerate metabolism and decrease the sense of hunger.

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8. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the most important spices for appetite control thanks to its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. Avoiding glycemic peaks helps relieve moments of sudden hunger and keep appetite under control.

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9. Spinach

And in general dark green leafy vegetables, so also cabbage and beets. Rich in fiber and nutrients, they are satiating foods that can be eaten raw, cooked or even sautéed.

10. Wasabi

The wasabi sauce, common in Japanese cuisine, is based on horseradish, a root with a very strong and spicy flavor and therefore considered capable of relieving the sense of hunger.

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