Only if you feel these 5 sensations while making love is he the right one

If he is the right one, the man of your dreams, of life, the true and pure and inevitable emotion, then you will certainly be experiencing these 5 sensations in bed to the fullest. If not, drop it now, leave it elegantly, and go further. You deserve the best, don't you? Something that starts like this from the video, look here, and then discover the 5 feelings you feel if he's the right one:

1. While making love you get lost inside him

The world stops, remains outside the room, outside the atmosphere, outside. The inside is made only of you. A very strong sensation of completeness and irremediable happiness, and of getting lost inside someone who is not us and who at the same time, it's us.

See also

Infinite love: when love lasts forever

When love ends: how to overcome a loving breakup

The most beautiful phrases of love, for him and for her Loading ...


2. Orgasm has a capital "O"

Nothing like this ever tried before. An absurd chemistry that makes your bowels explode and destroys any idea of ​​pleasure you had before. The orgasm that makes you scream with pleasure. That stuff there, yes, it exists.

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3. You feel comfortable with your body

You like yourself, you like to dress up, but you also like to go naked around the house. You look in the mirror, you shop, you make up with satisfaction. You feel beautiful and you have the feeling that you cannot be more splendid than this, especially while making love.

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4. You have a lively appetite

Yes. Eat after making love, eat lunch and dinner together, enjoy food with joy and enjoy the good things in life. That idea of ​​celebrating life with food, because you feel lucky and happy too.

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5. You feel free with him

To be yourself. It is the feeling of freedom, not only of being oneself but also of being other, the freedom to express oneself, confess secrets, experience limits. The freedom to love the other and then yourself. This is the priceless feeling that makes you feel alive. Only if it's the right one can you free yourself like this.

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Free to make love? Free to experiment ...

Tags:  Star Actuality Kitchen