Personality Test: Which Reality Show Should You Audition For?

Are you a real fan of reality TV and don't miss a single one? Do you dream of being one of the protagonists of the GF or of being seduced by one of the Temptation singles? Would you like to be in Maria's good graces and go back to school, but this time with Amici? Or do you feel better thinking about yourself traveling to Beijing? Do you own the "X Factor? Well, before the auditions of your dreams look at how those are done in reality, the video explains it to you:

Personality Test: Which Reality Show Should You Audition For?

If you can imagine choosing a TV show that is perfect for you, we can help you figure out which audition you should do, with our test. Just answer a few questions to understand what you really need: which reality show would you work best for? Take our quiz:

See also

Personality test: how fearful are you?

Personality test: how tolerant are you?

Personality test: how intuitive are you?

Speaking of famous, which member of the royal family would you be? Our quiz reveals it to you:

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