Test: how special do you feel about yourself?

Needless to say, all of us, today as yesterday, are subjected to a series of schemes on "what it would be better if we were", not only physically, but also in clothing, choices, attitudes, etc. And if recently there has been a lot of struggle so that everyone feels special to himself, regardless of any judgment or prejudice, accepting oneself remains a great effort for many. So, even accepting what you don't love about yourself, can you feel special or is the concept strongly alien to you?
Watch this video first, whether you feel special or not, it will be a great way to take care of yourself:

Test: how special do you feel about yourself?

Therefore, if feeling unique and special not for another, but for oneself, it should be almost innate or instinctive, for many it is not so. Indeed, there is almost a need for someone outside to have the inestimable power to make the other feel special. We instead believe that feeling unique and special for oneself is an important achievement, which is up to each of us on our journey. How unique and special do you feel about yourself? Take the test and find out!

See also

Personality test: how free do you feel?

Test: what do you have to do in the new year to feel good about yourself?

Test: how much do others envy you?

What do you really expect from the man who should be the perfect one for you? Take the test and find out!

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