Furnish with plants: discover the most suitable types for each environment!

Have you ever thought about decorating your home with plants? Having beautiful, healthy and well-kept green plants at home is really simpler than you may think: they are not difficult to take care of and with a few simple precautions they allow you to recreate a very welcoming environment first of all for you, but also for guests. Before knowing the perfect plants for the different rooms of your home, find out which ones purify the air.

Decorating with plants: some advice and a few ideas to get you started!

You don't always have a bit of outdoor space, lush gardens and sunny terraces. And you don't have to give up on surrounding yourself with beautiful green plants, perhaps in bloom. There are really many types of plants, which vary in color, type of foliage, size and of course also for the amount of attention they need. Even if the space in your apartment is limited, you can furnish your home by choosing indoor plants to make your spaces unique and characterize the surfaces of your home. It's a nice way to bring nature and a little love for the environment into your home. By continuing to read, you will discover the plants most suitable for the different environments of your home: the benefits are sure! Indoor plants make the air cleaner, they purify the environment, regulate the humidity rate.In addition, plants make our home more welcoming and pleasant to live: they create an atmosphere and give you well-being and relaxation at the sight alone! All this to erase every slightest doubt in you and start immediately in search of the plants that are right for you. And if you think you don't have a green thumb, don't despair! Among the many varieties of indoor plants there are many that are easy to take care of ... anyone can do it, yes even you! And there is also another aspect that should not be underestimated, if you add plants to the interior of your home, whether you live in a large apartment with many rooms or in a studio apartment, you will certainly notice a nice improvement in mood and general health conditions. It's worth a try, isn't it?

If you like plants and you would put them everywhere ... well this recipe is really for you!

See also

Evergreen climbing plants: beautiful in any season

How to furnish your home: practical tips for every type of home

Outdoor plants resistant to the sun and cold: find out what they are! See also: Succulents or cupcakes? Try doing them too!

© Pixel-whisk.com A "camouflage" cupcake

In every room of the house, the right plant: the evergreen tips.

We talk about real green styling. In fact, knowing which varieties of green plants are most suitable in the various rooms of your apartment is essential to make appropriate choices. Your bathroom will be the ideal habitat for ferns, for example, which need moisture to grow healthy and luxuriant. If there is a room in your home where the sun shines or is warmer than the others, it is perfect for plants. who love heat like succulents, cacti and beautiful orchids. However, always be careful not to expose the plants to direct sunlight especially in summer because they could have problems. Direct sun is too much for many varieties of houseplants. Even the water you give your indoor plants should never be too much. When choosing where to place a plant, do not do it randomly, combining the pots at random. Organize a dedicated area and choose complementary plants, according to the shape and size of the pots , in order to create green areas. For example, you can insert plants that complement each other in the same environment: never mix different flowers but always move in tone on tone, in order to make your vegetable area more harmonious.

Before choosing the most suitable plants for your apartment, carefully study the situation, evaluate which are the brightest areas, evaluate the space you really have at your disposal so as not to flood your home too much and then not neglect even the spaces at the top. plants can also be hung! Finally, choose the style with which you want to furnish your home thanks to indoor plants: do you want touches of green with a minimal flavor or are you looking for a real jungle effect? Don't be fooled by the size: large and elegant plants look good with minimal furnishings, many small plants create a jungle effect instead. Finally, also evaluate your skills: if you don't have a green thumb, choose plants for your home that require little care and attention. At least for the first time!

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Four green plants you will love to have around your home and a wow idea!

If you are a "lover of fashion trends, you cannot fail to have a Monstera Deliciosa at home, the lush plant known as the Bread Plant: you will love it! It is the most present plant on Instagram and Pinterest with its very large leaves that they transform every room of your apartment into a delightful urban jungle, and in return they ask for very little: little light, little water ... that's all!
Another obligatory choice in terms of indoor climbing plants is the Photos, it has beautiful heart-shaped, deep green leaves: it eliminates pollution and smoke from your home and you can manage it with ease. Place it high to allow its leaves to hang down. It looks good everywhere even in the kitchen and goes perfectly with your furniture and with any style of your home.
If you don't have cats or small children at home you can choose Ficus Benjamina, a much loved houseplant that does not require great care and is very refined with its small shiny leaves that form a thick and wild canopy. But be careful, because it produces a liquid that irritates the eyes, so better avoid if you have animals and children in the touch-everything-that-surrounds-me phase! Finally, another nice green choice is the
Calathea, a plant of tropical origin, fascinating and scenographic. Calathea loves humidity and will be comfortable in your bathroom but your kitchen could also be an ideal habitat. This plant is very beautiful but requires some more attention than its green friends. its leaves making them lose their luster.If you are a beginner with plants, better choose another one!

Another "domestic trend that is spreading more and more is to create a true vertical garden, not simply by using vines but precisely the so-called stabilized green. The vertical garden is
composed of a steel sheet panel, with a wall in stabilized essences, 100% natural and also guaranteed for at least five years. They do not need water, they do not grow, they are stabilized and always perfect: a scenographic wall garden, super wow, directly inside your home that does not require care! What else could you wish for?

© Pinterest Furnishing with plants: bedroom

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Three indoor plants with beautiful flowers!

If you love flowers you can choose from a large variety of plants suitable for indoor environments. By continuing to read, you will discover three really beautiful ones! The advice is not to mix them but combine them with green plants in order to avoid the rainbow effect, more suitable for a terrace than a room. A truly elegant flowering plant is the Spathiphyllum, known as the Peace Lily: a great classic that you will surely have admired on many occasions. It requires little care and gives your room beautiful deep green leaves and white flowers. Just be careful not to place it near hot or cold sources like air conditioners and heaters because it doesn't like to change temperatures. Another nice solution if you are looking for a flowering plant with colorful, pink, white or mottled flowers is Anthurium. Its perfect location in the house is far from heat sources and direct sunlight, it coexists well surrounded by other green plants that give it a little coolness.
Finally, we cannot talk about flowering plants at home without talking about orchids, with their wonderful flowers, very little care required and a more than affordable cost, they are perfect friends for any environment, from the study to the bedroom, from the living room to the area. living kitchen!

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