16 situations that only the super shy can understand

1. You never know when to speak

With friends or at a family lunch, they have their say while you calculate the right time: has this ever happened to you?

See also

11 things only girls with bangs can understand

16 reasons why girls with red hair are precious ... as one

Even today you can die from your menstrual cycle

2. You can't hide your nervousness

A trembling voice, sweaty hands and uncertain legs: you hate speaking in public!

3. "Look him in the eye? Are you crazy?"

Look and let yourself be looked at? Don't even think about it.

4. You hate being in the center of attention

Birthdays, gifts ... Attention is not really for you!

5. You can't stand being told you're too shy

"Am I shy? Really? I didn't" I was aware ... "

6. You panic when you have to make a fool of yourself

Not taking yourself seriously is not exactly in your plans ...

7. Blushing is part of your daily life

Compliments, negative comments or indiscreet questions? They all camp on your pretty face!

8. Your purpose in life? Don't be seen


9. You touch your hair, you bite your lips ... Manias everywhere!

They are small gestures that you do not even notice and yet, when you talk to someone you always tend and propose them again ...

10. If you realize that someone is watching you ... PANIC!

Gaze game on the subway? Many may please but you ... It annoys a lot!

11. Total envy of friendly people

Smiling people and friends from all over the world? So charismatic that they seem unbearable!

12. Public speaking minds you anxiety

As long as you were little, at school, you couldn't stand having to stand up to recite the poem ... Let alone now!

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13. When surrounded by strangers, you pretend to be dead

"Yes yes, it's not that I don't care what you're talking about, it's that I don't feel like talking about it ..."

14. When you go out with your friends, you are never the one who talks to the waiter

"Go ahead you who are better"

15. You tend to dress anonymously

Flashy colors? Maybe not ...

16. You have a crazy charm

Be more aware and ... you will take flight!