Rihanna courts Boateng on Twitter. Melissa Satta gets jealous and flies to Brazil!

Rihanna has posted on Twitter a photo of Kevin Prince Boateng with some rather explicit comments of appreciation on the player currently playing the world championship with the Ghanaian national team, but Melissa Satta immediately sets the record straight and rushes to Brazil from her teammate.

"Bel, baby .. I should cheer Ghana this time", writes the pop star on the social network, commenting on a photo of Boateng, unleashing the jealousy of the Sardinian showgirl who "responded" to the sexy singer, publishing a tender image of her hand that holds that of little Maddox Prince, while watching the game of father Kevin Prince on TV.

No furious statements or ire from a jealous woman, Melissa preferred to play the card of sweetness to mark the territory, even if she wasted no time and immediately flew to Brazil from her "half", as she herself defined it.

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