Colds: the bizarre remedies you did not think of!

You're tired of taking the usual cold medicine, whether it's a stuffy nose, sore throat, or both.

Are you ready to take notes and experiment with these DIY treatments with a little imagination?

1. The fumigations: the grandmother's remedy for colds

Grandma's remedies have now had their day. Are you really convinced? Perhaps you have not yet tried to fumigate with essential oils such as eucalyptus, particularly balsamic. You just need a few drops to pour into a boiling pot, a towel to place on your head to inhale the vapors and that's it!

See also

Colds: 8 fast and effective natural remedies for adults and children

Swollen eyes: causes, symptoms and remedies

Psoriasis: causes and remedies

2. Ginger and lemon herbal tea: a remedy not only for indigestion, but also for colds!

Ginger has many qualities, we know by now, and so does lemon. Imagine what super-power they can have together!

Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory and immediately helps clear the nose and throat. Boil a few grated tablespoons in water and add lemon juice and, why not, a pinch of cinnamon to flavor everything. The warmth of the lemon and ginger herbal tea and the beneficial and healthy effect of its ingredients will be a real cure-all against colds!

And if you want to indulge yourself, try cooking yourself some candied ginger ...

3. Honey and onion syrup: the most bizarre remedy for cough and cold!

You're already shivering, aren't you? Yet it is so: onions and honey together can be an excellent (however bizarre) remedy for your cold, in use since ancient times.

Onion and honey have a powerful antibiotic action that reduces cough symptoms and strengthens the immune system. Try peeling and chopping an onion, boil it with two glasses of water for 15 minutes, let it rest for a while and add two teaspoons of honey and lemon juice. You will see what results!

4. Cleaning of the nasal cavities to prevent and fight a blocked nose

Cleansing the nasal passages is an excellent remedy for colds and, if done frequently, also helps prevent it. To make it, you just need to introduce salted water into the nose: you can find physiological solutions in the pharmacy, but alternatively you can dissolve a teaspoon of salt for half a liter of water.

To put the water in the nose, get a special jar called "lota", by spraying the contents first in one nostril and then in the other.

5. Foot bath: a remedy for colds that starts from the feet

A foot bath made with warm water can help you cure a cold. Take a bowl, fill it with water and pour essential oil of mint or eucalyptus into it.

Immerse your feet in the basin for at least a quarter of an hour, then put on some socks previously dipped in cold water and well wrung out. Then add another pair of dry wool socks and go to bed. The next morning will be better!

6. Another bizarre cold remedy: sage gargle

This remedy is especially effective if you have throat problems. To make the gargle, take a cup of apple cider vinegar, some sage (dried or fresh), a teaspoon of salt. Boil a cup of water and infuse the sage, then drain the infusion and let it cool.

Mix everything with apple cider vinegar and store in a jar in the fridge for a week. Then use the result to gargle.

Finally, remember that nutrition is very important to prevent and treat colds. Here are some foods with beneficial and detoxifying properties that can help you:

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