Which member of the British Royal Family are you?

The world is divided into two broad categories: those who say they are crazy about the British Royal Family and ... those who lie.
The Royal Family fascinates because it represents exactly everything we will never be, except for those lucky enough to marry a prince who can pamper them with impromptu travels and family rings.
The newcomer to the Windsor family, Meghan Markle, must not have had an easy life at the beginning, among all those rules to follow, however, little by little, she seems to be more and more at ease ...

Which member of the British Royal Family are you?

Take the test and find out with us!

See also

Test: which of the protagonists of Friends are you?

Test: are you a simple or complicated person?

Future test: what will your life be like in 10 years?

Tags:  Actuality Marriage In Shape