Partridge eye: causes, symptoms and foot care with natural and non-natural remedies

The partridge eye is a skin thickening that occurs under the foot, on the sole, similar to a callus from which however - we will see - it differs. The scientific name of the partridge eye is tiloma and has the appearance of a round skin hardening, with a darker center that seems to resemble the partridge eye, from which it takes its name.

Partridge eye almost always occurs on the soles or under and between the toes, very rarely even on the soles of the hands, and can be caused by different causes ranging from wearing uncomfortable shoes to deformation of the bones.

The tiloma occurs, in its most widespread version, with a size of about 5 millimeters and a hard consistency: it appears more frequently on the little toe of the foot due to rubbing with shoes. It can also appear, however, in a soft, rough, whitish version, common between the toes where sweating occurs.

Let's find out all there is to know about partridge eye, from causes to symptoms, from how to cure the problem with natural remedies and not how to remove it from the plant, if necessary, with medical help.

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Partridge eye under the foot: the causes

The causes of the partridge eye can be of different types, all characterized by rather common risk factors that determine a constant rubbing of the skin or generate a strong pressure on it.

The partridge eye could therefore easily be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes or heels for a long time, often causing the formation of calluses and the like due to the load that moves on the toes, causing the skin to thicken.

Long standing could also lead to partridge eye formation, as well as not tying your shoes or placing your foot in an incorrect position that creates friction or compression. It is not uncommon for this to happen when you are wearing new shoes.

But the partridge eye could also be generated for reasons related to the conformation of the foot: if you have a particular shape or some congenital deformity, for example, or if the bones of the feet are prominent or the skin between the toes is particularly thin.

Furthermore, the swelling of the skin could be caused by bursitis, the inflammation of the protective cushion that is located near the joint. Finally, it could derive from the so-called hammer toe, a common joint problem in the feet, or from the hallux valgus.

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Partridge's eye, callus and tiloma: what's the difference?

If the tiloma is the scientific name of the "partridge eye, the callus represents a very different type of skin enlargement. The corns of the foot, in fact, compared to the tilomas are not so well delimited: in fact they do not have the typical and recognizable rounded shape, but they involve larger surfaces.

The corns, moreover, are less deep and, consequently, less painful: the partridge eye can cause greater discomfort since it extends for a large part of the dermis under the plant. It causes pain, especially if it comes to compress the connective tissue of the dermis, atrophying the elastic one.

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Partridge Eye Symptoms

And here we are at the symptoms of partridge eye. The first is precisely the pain, which increases when wearing shoes (even the usual ones), causing difficulties in walking correctly and standing for a long time.

The visible symptom, on the other hand, is the aforementioned thickening of the skin on the sole, which could however also appear in the spaces between the toes, especially between the fourth toe and the little finger. In these cases, among the secondary symptoms, there may also be the presence of fungi or bacteria due to sweat.

How to cure partridge eye and how to remove it: from salicylic acid to medical treatment

What are the remedies to cure partridge eye? First of all you have to consider that, within a few weeks, it disappears by itself if you take the necessary precautions: just avoid using tight or inelastic footwear, use emollient creams or keratolytics, insert latex pads between the toes to avoid rubbing and compressions, use rubber patches or soft pads and insoles for shoes, use anti-inflammatory liquids or gels. Among the most valid, in these cases, there are those based on salicylic acid.

In the most serious cases, those in which the partridge eye is infected and causes a lot of pain or is accompanied by ulcers and pus, a "surgical removal by the doctor (it is only a small incision) can be carried out", which for sure he will be able to advise you on the most suitable treatment for your case.

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Natural remedies for partridge eye on the sole of the foot

There are also several natural remedies useful to favor the elimination of the partridge eye. You can try to make a nice foot bath at home: just soak your feet in hot water with salt and bicarbonate for half an hour, and then intervene with a pumice stone or a suitable razor blade.

Another natural cure-all is aloe vera: try applying the gel on the partridge eye several times a day, especially in case of discomfort. It will cause immediate relief! Discover now in our video all the fantastic beneficial qualities of aloe:

Lemon is also useful for its astringent properties: massaging lemon slices on the affected area will immediately soften the skin of the feet. The same massage can be performed with garlic: be careful, however, that it does not cause irritation.

Finally, you can try cornstarch: its disinfectant action will help keep the affected area clean thanks to its antibacterial action. Use it every day to wash your feet, but always be careful not to rub too much so as not to cause further redness.

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