Nymphomania: the female disorder that creates sex addiction

Nymphomania is that condition that characterizes a woman when she wants to have sex, but really a lot of desire, a morbid and excessive instinct! Today it is not considered a pathology but still arouses attention. Now, without going into the extreme cases, in general having sex is good and makes you feel good. By watching this video you will know 7 recognized benefits that sex brings to your life! Don't do without it!

What is nymphomania and what symptoms it is recognized by

The term nymphomania refers to a sudden and morbid quantitative increase in sexuality in women. We are talking about a phenomenon of a psychological nature, of an amplification of desire and of the excitement through which the woman experiences her sexual impulses in an extreme and emphasized way. Sex is never enough for a nymphomaniac! This is why the woman with nymphomania constantly tries new partners able to satisfy her cravings and alleviate her inner turmoil and turmoil. When we talk about nymphomania we also talk about hypersexuality. But what goes into the head of nymphomaniac women? to have sex in a free and continuous way. They seduce and provoke all the possible partners they meet on their way, without any distinction and without any inhibiting brake, so much so that their behavior assumes psychopathological characteristics in the eyes of those who look from the outside. Everything becomes secondary to sex, and sex comes first in a nymphomaniac's life.
Nymphomania is considered a hypereroticism by psychology: sex and sexual activity take on extraordinary importance to the point of replacing even normal daily activities with significant consequences in the life and family sphere of nymphomaniac women who practically do not find the time to do anything else, not even looking after her children or doing her own work A nympho's life revolves around sex.

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Extreme sex

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Nymphomania: What are the causes why women would never stop having sex

The sexuality of a woman with nymphomania becomes cumbersome, a real addiction to sex and sexual activity, like a drug: but what are the causes that determine the development of a similar behavior in women? This type of sexual impulses is linked to a profound psychophysical dissatisfaction. Psychology attributes nymphomania to the presence of real emotional gaps that the nymphomaniac would try to fill with the obsessive search for an ever new sexual contact capable of procuring satisfying sensations and physical pleasure. a profound dissatisfaction, not physical but psychic, which obviously is not filled by sex and the enjoyment of the body. The nymphomaniac has this typical behavior of going from man to man and looking for new partners in a compulsive way because every time she unconsciously attributes the blame for her dissatisfaction to the current partner and absolutely fails to focus on the real causes of her nymphomania, that is that she is experiencing an inner discomfort that no man or no orgasm will ever be able to remedy!

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When and why nymphomania was a sexual pathology ...

Nymphomania is a recurring term in the history of medicine. The word nymphomania comes from the Greek and combines the words nymph (bride) and mania. For the first time it was used in 1771 by a French doctor named J.D.T de Bienville, who also wrote a study on the subject, "Nymphomania, or treatise on uterine rage". For several decades, nymphomania was considered a perversion and also a female sexual pathology sometimes accompanied by other disorders of a sexual nature such as anorgasmia and frigidity, that is, the inability on the part of the woman to become aroused and reach the peak of sexual pleasure. "orgasm, during sexual intercourse. Only in the" 90s did the World Health Organization eliminate nymphomania from the list of sexual pathologies. Today, nymphomania is considered a form of hypersexuality. Nymphomania also has its counterpart for the male gender. The term used for men in this case is satyriasis, and we mean a morbid instinct in the man to mate in order to have sexual intercourse as often as possible.

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Nymphomania: how you can help a nymphomaniac

We can consider nymphomania as an addiction, like alcohol and drugs. Sex becomes a substitute for love and serves to fill the psychic deficiencies of the nymphomaniacs. The nymphomaniacs manifest a true sexual addiction and often to satisfy their continuous desires they resort to masturbation, in a frequent and often exhibitionist way. The nymphomaniac believes, satisfying the her sexual desire, to relieve the strong stress that strains her life, she believes she can control the difficulties and thoughts that crowd her mind. The libido of a nymphomaniac is excessive and morbid, knows no limits and often manifests itself with episodes of uncontrolled seduction aimed only at consuming one sexual intercourse after another. However, nymphomania can be cured! As with other addictions, medical help is also needed for nymphomania. To overcome this condition of morbid sexual instinct, drugs are needed, naturally prescribed by an expert specialist and an appropriate cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy course capable of restoring her own life and priority scale to women, freeing her from the obsession with sex and from "idea of ​​being able to calm anxiety only during sexual intercourse. Very often psychic pathologies, recurrent episodes of depression or some neurological diseases and endocrine dysfunctions are hidden behind nymphomania. If for you sex represents a fixed thought or a real obsession you can't do without, ask a specialist for advice, the causes of your dissatisfaction could be much deeper!

Nymphomania: morbid sexual instinct

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