Ayurvedic massage: what it is and what are the benefits

Ayurvedic massage has become so appreciated precisely for everything that lies behind it. In particular, it is said that every part of the body is influenced by 3 main bioenergies called dosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), whose imbalance would lead to the onset of problems of various kinds, both physical and psychological. We can say that this type of massage is part of alternative medicine. But it is not the only one. Discover a specific massage for the legs in this video.

What is Ayurvedic massage?

The manipulation techniques to perform Ayurvedic massage are very specific, each one serves to achieve a specific goal, but they must be implemented only by specialized Ayurvedic masseurs.
The origins of Ayurvedic massage are to be found in the past, in particular in India, where the focus was on a correlation between mind and body: if there is a balance between the two parts, then everything is in harmony, otherwise precisely through the massage will be stimulated by the energy centers (chakra) to restore the proportion. Soon this type of oriental massage also arrives in the West where it spreads also and above all as a purely aesthetic treatment.

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Ayurvedic massage: all the benefits

To achieve psychophysical well-being, Ayurvedic massage is a real blessing as, as we said, it restores the balance between mind and body.
The technique involves a manipulation capable of stimulating blood circulation as well as favoring the drainage of vital fluids to regain lost harmony.
But among the main advantages of undergoing an Ayurvedic massage, there are some very interesting ones. Here they are.

  • Relieves muscle tension
  • Fights insomnia
  • It heals from anxiety and stress
  • It is effective for joint and neck pain
  • Calm the headache
  • Deflate your legs and feet
  • Minimizes cellulite and localized fat deposits
  • It acts against slight alterations or disturbances in blood and lymphatic circulation

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Various types of Ayurvedic massage

Ayurvedic massage techniques are many and also vary according to the area of ​​the body to be treated on which herbs and oils are also often used. Ayurvedic massage can be complete and cover the whole body, or localized in a specific area. The necessary "ingredients" are certainly oils that favor movements on the skin and among these the most used are: sesame, corn or sunflower oil, essential oils, medicinal and aromatic herbs. Here is a list of types of massage.

  • Shiroabhyanga massage: is an Ayurvedic massage performed on the scalp. It is used to prevent hair loss and the formation of dandruff.
  • Shirodhara massage: Ayurvedic massage practiced on the head and forehead, useful for eliminating mental fatigue and a sense of heaviness in the head.
  • Abhyanga massage: Ayurvedic massage practiced on the head and neck with the help of herbal oils.
  • Mukhabhyanga massage: this is a particular Ayurvedic facial massage, useful for eliminating stress and stimulating oxygenation of the skin with an anti-aging action. Counteracting insomnia and promotes rest.
  • Griva Abhyanga massage: focuses on the cervical tract, it is particularly suitable for counteracting the pains that may appear in this area.

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  • Tandabhyanga massage: Ayurvedic massage useful for the back to relieve and counteract tension and fatigue, especially in the back and shoulders.
  • Antikapha and Gamathi massages: Ayurvedic massages performed on the legs, these Ayurvedic massages counteract swelling and localized fat deposits, also exerting a "draining action."
  • Udvartana massage: Ayurvedic massage performed with the use of herbs with a draining action reduced to powder. Effective for those who want to lose weight.
  • Padabhyanga massage: Ayurvedic massage practiced on the feet with vegetable oils in order to restore correct blood circulation by eliminating any swelling.
  • Ayurvedic massage of the Kapha dosha: Ayurvedic massage that stimulates circulation and energy metabolism. Also useful in the presence of cellulite.
  • Phenakam massage: it is an Ayurvedic lymphatic drainage massage practiced to eliminate toxins from the body, in particular those deriving from the intake of foods that are difficult to assimilate and medicines.
  • Sarvanga Abhyanga massage: complete Ayurvedic massage involving face, body and scalp. The vegetable oil used must be lukewarm and gradually poured all over the body. The movements of the manipulation will be intense and focused on the most suffering areas of the body.

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How does the massage take place?

Choose carefully the center where you will carry out the Ayurvedic massage and book a cognitive interview with the masseur. This step is very important as it will be the moment in which a relationship of trust will be established between you and the masseur, also useful for understanding the right massage technique to perform. Thanks to the information collected, the masseur will be able to develop a personalized massage for your specific case, using manipulation techniques that can vary session after session.
The ideal environment to carry out the massage is calm, warm and illuminated by soft or soft lights. Scented essences or incense can also be diffused in order to promote relaxation with aromatherapy. Relaxing music will be the icing on the cake!
The patient is made to lie down on the ground or on a wooden table specially excavated inside.
There are several ways of execution:

  • With only the use of hands
  • With hands, elbows and arms
  • By two Ayurvedic masseurs who work in synchrony (four-hand massage)
  • With the feet: it is a massage practiced mostly on corpulent people or on athletes and is called Midhiabhyangam

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What to expect after an Ayurvedic massage?

You have had an Ayurvedic massage, what are the main effects you can expect after the treatment? Surely the main ones are divided into physical and psychological benefits. Let's see them.

Physical Benefits

  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Counteract muscle and joint pain
  • Eliminate muscle fatigue
  • Promote and stimulate lymphatic and blood circulation
  • Promote weight loss
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Promote the elimination of toxins

Psychic Benefits

  • Relieve stress
  • Counteracting tensions, tiredness and mental fatigue
  • Promote relaxation
  • Reduce anxious states

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Ayurvedic massage: contraindications

Ayurvedic massage is one of the natural treatments, but despite this it can have serious contraindications. Here are the specific cases in which it is best avoided:

  • In the presence of injuries
  • In the presence of inflammation
  • If the individual has a fever
  • In subjects suffering from capillary fragility
  • In individuals with phlebitis
  • In hypertensive patients or those suffering from cardiovascular diseases or disorders

Attention also to all people who suffer from dermatitis or skin allergies, as the oils or other substances used during the massage could cause rashes all over the body. Before undergoing the Ayurvedic massage, ask your doctor for advice and during the interview with the masseur, point out any allergies.

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Ayurvedic massage for children and pregnant women

Ayurvedic massage would also benefit children especially to calm colic or discomfort caused by the growth of the first teeth. All this according to Indian Ayurvedic philosophy. What about pregnant women? Is this type of massage recommended? There is a specific manipulation designed for pregnant women, but it must only be carried out by specialized masseurs to avoid risks for the mother and the baby. In particular, it is the Garbabhyangam massage, practiced in order to relieve stress and muscle tension caused by gestation.

The costs of Ayurvedic massage

How much does it cost to have an Ayurvedic massage? If you have read this far, surely you are asking yourself this question because maybe you are passionate about ayurveda philosophy.
Since Ayurvedic massage is generally carried out in holistic centers or spas, its cost can vary, even greatly, depending on the structure chosen and the duration of the treatment.
To get a "rough idea, keep in mind that the prices of an Ayurvedic massage are around 80-90 euros (for massages of 30-40 minutes), up to beyond 150 euros for massages lasting an hour or more, or for massages that include treatments aimed at solving specific problems.

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Do it yourself Ayurvedic massage: can it be done?

Ayurveda philosophy presupposes being highly competent, studying to learn theoretical and practical notions and becoming specialized experts. Ayurveda and related massages require continuity between one session and another in order not to lose the progress made, so here that you could learn some manipulations to be repeated comfortably at home. Ayurvedic self-massage should be done daily in the morning before all other activities, but first, in order not to make a mistake, the movements must be learned to perfection by a specialized teacher.
Just carve out 15 minutes. Choose a quiet place, preferably in dim light, heat the chosen oil in your hands and start the massage from the head. Make circular movements on the skin, as you go down towards the face, involving the ears and neck. It is important that the movements are continuous but slow. Then proceed with the shoulders and arms where the movements will be long and repeated. When you arrive in the area of ​​the chest and abdomen, the movements return to being circular and then re-stretch on the legs and finish with the soles of the feet.
When you finish the massage do not get up and do not move immediately, wait at least 15 minutes: in this way you will favor relaxation and the absorption of the oil used for the Ayurvedic massage. Finish with a shower or bath to get rid of excess waste.

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Ayurvedic yoga massage

Ayurvedic-yoga massage is a rehabilitation technique originating from India. This technique comes to life by combining the traditional Ayurvedic massage with "passive yoga" exercises. As for the classic Ayurvedic massage, also in this case special vegetable oils and roots are used to relax and at the same time stimulate the vital processes by rebalancing the musculoskeletal, immune and circulatory systems in particular, increasing the purifying capacity of the 'body.
The combined use of stretching techniques and passive gymnastics enhance the effects of the massage in particular regarding joint mobility and ligament flexibility. This technique also involves the use of the feet, the use of which gives greater relaxation to the deep muscles and greater stimulation of blood circulation.

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