Skin spots: the best natural remedies to combat them

Vitiligo, hyperpigmentation, coffee spots, freckles, pityriasis: the types of spots that can appear on our skin are many and of different origin. The causes that cause them can also be many.

The most common? Damage caused by too much or incorrect exposure to the sun's rays or sunlamps, hormone intake, autoimmune diseases and metabolic dysfunctions.

The most annoying thing is that they generally appear in the most visible points, the most exposed ones such as the face, neck, hands and neckline.

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The best method to avoid the appearance of these spots is of course prevention, however there are natural remedies that can help you lighten them.
Let's see the most common.

1- Castor oil

Castor oil seems to have whitening properties. For example, it is useful to apply the oil on cotton wool and rub the stained part of the skin. To be repeated twice a day, morning and evening.

2- Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, in small quantities and at the lowest concentrations (3%), is useful for lightening skin blemishes, especially those present on the hands and caused by aging or nicotine. Apply it consistently before going to sleep for several days. However, if you notice redness, stop the treatment.

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3- Sodium bicarbonate

Prepare a batter consisting of warm water and bicarbonate and apply it on the points to be treated, leaving it to act for at least 10-15 minutes before rinsing. This remedy is useful both for exfoliating the skin and for whitening blemishes.

4- Lemon

Known as a natural whitener, lemon has special properties that help remove old cells from the skin. The process to lighten the spots is very slow: you need to have a little patience and a lot of consistency in "applying it daily.

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5- Birch decoction

Birch decoction is another excellent remedy to reduce the aesthetic impact of skin blemishes and can be used both to drink, as an herbal tea, and applied directly to the spots once cooled.

6- White vinegar

White vinegar is a basic ingredient for the preparation of a lightening lotion composed of grated horseradish and 200 ml of vinegar. The mixture is left to macerate in a jug for a whole day, before being filtered and used as a tonic to buffer the stained skin with the help of a cotton pad.

7- Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is an effective vegetable oil against blemishes on the skin, especially those caused by scars; if applied regularly, it helps the skin to reabsorb the marks, to flatten them and lighten them. It also reduces spots caused by aging or excessive exposure to the sun.

8- Aloe vera

If, on the other hand, your dark spots are caused exclusively by the sun, you can use aloe vera: just apply the product consistently on the critical points. Long compresses on the affected areas are also good.

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9- Cucumber

Cucumber is not only useful for making DIY masks and decongesting the eye area in a natural way: try centrifuging one and add some baking soda or lemon juice. You will have a lightening lotion to counteract dark spots, especially ideal for oily skin.

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