Third month of pregnancy: symptoms, belly and tests to be done

The third month of pregnancy is the crucial one of the first phase, when the expectant mother begins to feel more secure and to come out of a phase of greater risk. In the third month, a woman usually announces that she is pregnant, precisely because it is at this stage that she can better understand, also on the basis of the exams, if her interesting state is serene and regular. What is there to know about this particular month?

The first ultrasound and the other tests to be done during the third month

Although it is also often done during the second month of pregnancy, the first ultrasound is also prescribed for the third. In general, there are three ultrasound scans to be done, each for each trimester of pregnancy. This ultrasound allows you to know the date of the child's conception, since all the embryos, at this stage, have the same size, and above all, it allows you to find any malformations. Also at this stage, two other very important tests can be performed to identify any problems: in chronological order, the CVS, or if the need arises, the amniocentesis. Often the CVS falls in the third month, while the amniocentesis can to be performed up to the fourth month.

See also

First month of pregnancy: symptoms and advice on how to behave

Insomnia in pregnancy: the reasons in the first, second and third trimesters

Cystitis in pregnancy: symptoms and remedies (natural and otherwise) for inflammation

Villocentesis or amniocentesis? The tests to be done in the third month of pregnancy

In this video, Dr. De Mita explains what these two exams are, when to do them, and above all what they are for. Before proceeding, the opinion of the gynecologist is obviously binding, while the first ultrasound is done routinely for all future mothers. Find out all about amniocentesis and CVS in the video below, to face your third month of pregnancy in peace.

The evolution and growth of the fetus in the third month

During this month, your baby's size will triple, making great strides in its development. Nerve cells are formed, the bone structure continues to develop and limbs appear. The joints become more efficient, the fingers can be bent, forming the typical fists of all fetuses, even if none of these movements are still governed by the brain. The future baby is no longer an embryo, but a fetus. As for his sense organs, the eyes settle permanently, covered by the eyelids. The mouth begins to articulate and the lips are drawn, as well as the nostrils. The baby moves more and more and his respiratory system develops. During the third month, the fetus measures twelve centimeters and weighs about 65 grams.

The health of mother and baby during the third month

If you have not quit smoking yet, do it now: it is strongly recommended to stop smoking, so as not to jeopardize the pregnancy or the health of the baby. Smoking can also cause premature birth, fetal growth retardation, malformations such as cleft lip, future baby colic. The baby feeds through the placenta, and absorbs everything a mother takes, including the harmful substances found in cigarettes. Usually in the third month a gynecologist understands if it is a risky pregnancy, in which case he prescribes absolute rest or other precautions. Sex in pregnancy is obviously allowed, if not advised, if all goes well. Do not be frightened by any cramps or twinges, they are completely normal, and although they are often mistaken for contractions, they are not at all. Your own gynecologist can reassure you about this.

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The power supply

To avoid problems related to both you and the baby, it is good not to consume poorly washed foods, raw meat, or foods that are too salty.Too much salt can cause hypertension, which is inadvisable in pregnancy because it has serious consequences. While raw meat, undercooked or poorly washed and eaten raw vegetables can cause toxoplasmosis. Consume lots of fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water, do not eliminate carbohydrates but limit sugars and fats: these are the golden rules of nutrition during pregnancy. Alcohol, as well as smoking and coffee, should be eliminated.

The psychology of a mother in the third month

Strange as it may seem in such a happy state, a pregnant woman is often prone to feel stressed, or even sad. The sense of loneliness, moments of slight depression, however, should not be underestimated: fight stress in order to ensure your child the optimal conditions to develop. In order not to feel alone, however, try to stay in company, always involve your partner and keep him informed of everything. His awareness will increase as soon as he sees your baby on the ultrasound screen, in black and white, but also constantly talking to him about your situation will help him feel almost as involved in this adventure as you are.

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