Three Mistakes to Avoid During Video Calls to Look Your Best!

Work, friends and family, during this forced quarantine there is only one way to keep in touch: video calls. Although this situation is difficult for everyone, living in the digital age is a great fortune. If our grandparents, in fact, communicated via carrier pigeons and had to wait months before getting an answer, with a video call times and distances are shortened, the PC screen becomes almost invisible and the feeling is that of having direct contact with the our interlocutor. However, there is only one drawback: if you are from the party "pajamas and remove make-up - to stay at home isolated", on video you may not give your best. We at alfemminile, then, point out the three most common mistakes to avoid in front of the webcam so that your natural beauty can stand out without much effort.

Mistake 1: the wrong angle

Double chin? Goodbye. And no, you don't necessarily have to resort to crash diets or, even worse, the plastic surgeon of the stars. Our solution is much more immediate and cheaper. Just pay attention to the angle of the device used, be it a mobile phone, tablet or computer. Try to keep it rather raised and avoid the shots from below, in this period of confinement they will be your worst enemies. But here's another trick: if you're making video calls from your smartphone, avoid keeping it less than 30 cm from your face. It has been highlighted, in fact, that, in this case, the size of our nose would increase by 30%. To wear out the features, a shot slightly to the side is even better.

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Mistake 2: neglecting the lighting factor

Whether it's videos or photos, you know, light plays a fundamental role. A well-lit face will have a completely different effect than a face in dim light. When we have a video call scheduled, then, it is good to position ourselves with our device in front of a window, so that our face can appear naturally illuminated. What if it's dark outside? No problem. Same strategy, but with an artificial light. Remember, however, to keep at least one meter away from the lamp, otherwise the complexion would be excessively pale. Furthermore, in these cases it is better to opt for warm bulbs at the expense of cold tones that would create an aseptic operating room atmosphere.

Mistake 3: Forget about make-up

I know it. Many of us have removed the existence of tricks in this period of isolation. The idea would be to let our skin breathe, but the real reason behind this choice is the atavistic fatigue that assails us every time we have to remove make-up. It goes without saying, then, that when we can, we gladly avoid. However, it is really inadvisable to appear on video without a trickle of makeup. So, if you don't feel like wearing makeup at home, do it at least for a video call. The steps for a home beauty routine are few, fast but, at the same time, effective: we always start from the base with a good moisturizer, then apply the concealer to hide any dark circles and imperfections, then illuminate the complexion with a sprinkle of blush on the cheeks. As for the eyes, it is good to opt for a nude tone eyeshadow, better if emphasized by a brush of mascara. For the lips, on the other hand, focus on a transparent gloss or a matte lipstick, even in this case it would be preferable not to deviate excessively from our natural color.

Et voila, now you are ready to pierce the screen!

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