"The secrets of vegachef" on YouTube

What is it about? Of a serial format led by Dr. Mara Di Noia who will talk about vegan cuisine, with guests, insights and of course many recipes.

"I strongly wanted to open a video blog dedicated to natural cooking" - said Dr. Mara Di Noia - "to allow all those who wish to approach in a very simple way a healthier and more respectful lifestyle for animals and 'environment."

"Vegachef's secrets" will be set in the studio in Milan, in the 'Interno23' location in Viale Piceno which is located inside an ancient building and built by a film and television crew.

Each episode will last five minutes and will be particularly rich.

See also:

    • The colors of vegan cuisine
    • Vegan nutrition. Possible choice during pregnancy?
    • In bookstores: 365 vegan regional recipes
    • The dictionary of gastronomic language

    Tags:  Lifestyle Old-Luxury In Shape