Taking care of the garden

Mow the turf

Mowing the grass is an indispensable gesture to eliminate weeds and make the turf thicker, and must be carried out throughout the growth period of the vegetation, that is, from February-March to September-October. You should mow your garden at least once a week, otherwise the turf risks becoming untidy and uneven due to the different growth rates specific to each plant species. Before mowing the grass, wait until the ground is dry, the result will be better.

The length of the blades of grass depends on the effect you want to achieve: in a purely garden decorative the blades of grass must not exceed 2 or 3 cm, while to obtain a lawn in "rustic" style the grass can reach 5 cm. The length of the blades of grass also varies according to the seasons: in summer you have to let them grow 2 or 3 cm more.

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Making the earth more compact

The mower tends to to lift slightly clods of earth, you must then put the roots back a contact with the ground using a roller with a maximum weight of 80kg. This operation must be carried out three times a year:

- in February-March, to repair the damage caused by the winter frost

- in May-June, to favor pruning

- before winter, to make the earth more compact and resistant to cold and frost.

Use fertilizer

The fertilizer nourishes the roots of the plants and must be administered twice a year:

- around February-March, when the vegetation begins to grow. Use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer, which nourishes the plants and makes it easier for leaves to sprout.

- at the beginning of autumn. Use a fertilizer rich in phosphoric acid and potassium.

Irrigate the grass

The water dissolves the nutrients present in the soil and helps transport them to the leaves. The turf needs to stay moist, so you can start watering it as early as February. In spring the dew is more than enough to humidify the lawn, but during periods of great heat you must absolutely irrigate your garden as otherwise the grass risks turning yellow due to the dryness of the soil. In order for the earth to have enough time to absorb water, it is best to irrigate it in the evening or at night.

Aerate the grass

On the market there are garden tools to drill the ground, these are rollers equipped with pins about 10 cm long. Drilling through the earth is also useful in helping fertilizer penetrate the soil.


- moss is formed when the earth is too much humid, so to eliminate it you must first solve the soil moisture problem. Withdraw any branches or leaves that can hold it in shadow and proceed to drilling of the soil, which will make it possible to eliminate superfluous water. At this point the air and the sun will dry the earth. There are also products on the market anti-moss, generally quite effective, which must be applied in February. After application, you will have to wait about fifteen days and then you can remove the dead clods.

- Against the weeds, use a selective herbicide, which will only save grasses (unfortunately, weed grass is also part of this family). These products are applied in March or April, when the temperature exceeds 15 °.

Good to know:

- Slow-release fertilizers spread nutrients only when the soil and vegetation need them, and therefore can be applied less frequently.

- When using a herbicide, respect the prescribed doses, otherwise the grass risks dying or taking on different shades.

- If your turf is very young, wait a year or two before using a herbicide, otherwise you risk burning the grass.

- In case of drought and restrictions on the use of water, do not irrigate your garden anymore, the grass will return to being green and lush with the return of humidity.

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