Phrases about hope: all the most beautiful aphorisms!

Hope is a state of mind rather than an abstract concept because it allows us to live life and its challenges with courage and a light in the heart.

After all, we know, it is the way we see things that influences our future and everything we live: this is why a good mood, a light heart and a positive mind can help us live better and attract beautiful things.

So, if it is a difficult moment or discouragement takes over, why not find some confidence in the world and a pinch of encouragement in the intense and heartening phrases of famous authors of the past who have made hope a true, full portrait. d "love and poetic together?

Here are all the aphorisms, quotes and the most beautiful phrases about hope from which to be inspired to face each day with positivity, trust and the right spirit and say to yourself that "yes, everything will be fine!"

See also

Encouragement phrases: all the most beautiful aphorisms!

Quotes about "over love: all the most beautiful, romantic and funny aphorisms!"

Many important phrases to reflect on the meaning of life

Hope is the last to die.

As long as there is life there is hope.
Marco Tullio Cicerone

In life we ​​must never lose hope, never stop believing and above all never stop dreaming.
Susan Randall

There is no hope without fear nor fear without hope.
Baruch Spinoza

Always walk with hope in your heart and you will never be alone.

Do not consult with your fears, but with your hopes and dreams. Think not of your frustrations, but of your unfulfilled potential. Don't worry about what you have tried and failed, but about what you can still do.
Pope John XXIII

If there is a sin against life, it is perhaps not so much to despair of it, as to hope for another life, and to escape the implacable greatness of this one.
Albert Camus

To arrive at "dawn" there is no other way than night.
Khalil Gibran

There is no night long enough not to allow the sun to rise again the next day.
Jim Morrison

In life, sometimes it is necessary to know how to fight, not only without fear, but also without hope.
Sandro Pertini

Hope is the second soul of the unhappy.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

I can't lose the one thing that keeps me alive:
the hope.
Paulo Coelho

If the morning does not reveal new joys to us, and if we cultivate no hope for the night, what is worth getting dressed and undressing?

Until the day when God deigns to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom will consist in these two words: wait and hope!
Alexandre Dumas

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.
Nelson Mandela

I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.
Anne Frank

Hope is that feathered thing
that rests on the soul
sings melodies without words
and it never stops.
Emily Dickinson

In any case, hope leads farther than fear.
Ernst Jungher

When the world says, "Give up," hope whispers, "Try one more time."

Only those who love without hope know true love.
Pablo Neruda

Hope ceases to be happiness when it is accompanied by impatience.
John Ruskin

Hope is a waking dream.

There is something inside you that no one can touch or take away from you if you don't want to. It's called hope!
From the movie The wings of Freedom

Hope also takes root in the rock.
Jozef Bulatowicz

Hope is a loan made to happiness.
Antoine Rivarol

Hope is like a road in the fields: there has never been a road, but when many people walk along it, the road takes shape.
Yutang Lin

Even if fear will have more arguments, you choose hope.
Lucio Anneo Seneca

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do it.
Martin Luther King

Being young means keeping the porthole of hope open, even when the sea is bad and the sky is tired of being blue.
Bob Dylan

Skating on thin ice, the only hope of salvation lies in speed.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

As bad as life may seem, there is always something you can do to be successful. As long as there is life there is hope.
Stephen Hawking

As children, the "maybe" has the figure of Hope. When we grow up we deface it as a synonym for "no".
Don Dino Pirri

The darkest hour is that which precedes the sunrise.
Paolo Coelho

Happiness can be found even in the darkest moments, if only someone remembers to turn on the light.
J.K. Rowling

Hope is the normal form of delusion.
Emil Cioran

Hope is a risk to be taken. It is even the risk of risks.
Georges Bernanos

The resurrection of Jesus is not the happy ending of a beautiful story, it is not the happy end of a film; but it is the intervention of God the Father and there where human hope is broken.
Pope francesco

Hope sees the weak point of things.
Paul Valéry

Not knowing when dawn will come, I keep every door open.
Emily Dickinson

The most terrible of feelings is the feeling of having lost hope.
Federico Garcìa Lorca

Optimism is the faith that leads to accomplishments. Nothing can be done without hope or trust.
Helen Adams Keller

The most important things to be happy in this life are having something to do, something to love and something to hope for.
Joseph Addison

Joy is the hope of eternal happiness.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers.
Robert Ingersoll

Life and the "absolute lack of" illusion, and therefore of hope, are contradictory things.
Giacomo Leopardi

Hope has two beautiful children: indignation and courage. Disdain for the reality of things; the courage to change them.
St. Augustine

If we have helped one person to hope, we will not have lived in vain.
Martin Luther King

One of the strongest reasons that lead men to art and science is the escape from everyday life with its painful rawness and gloomy lack of hope, from the slavery of their ever-changing desires.
Albert Einstein

Hope, contrary to popular belief, is equivalent to resignation. And to live is not to resign.
Albert Camus

However disenchanted we are, it is impossible for us to live without any hope. We always have one, without our knowledge, and that unconscious hope compensates for all the others, explicit, that we have rejected or exhausted.
E.M. Cioran

I greet you, Hope, you who come from afar
flood sad hearts with your song.
You who give new wings to old dreams.
You who fill the soul with white illusions.
I salute you, Hope, you will forge dreams
in those deserted, disillusioned lives
where the possibility of a smiling future escaped,
and in those that bleed the recent wounds.
At your divine breath pains will flee
what timid flock without a nest,
and a "radiant dawn with its beautiful colors
he will announce to the souls that love has come.
Pablo Neruda

Hope is a good thing, perhaps the best of things, and good things never die.
From the movie, The wings of Freedom

Hope sees the invisible
touches the intangible
and achieves the impossible.

Most of the important things in the world were accomplished by people who kept trying when there seemed to be no hope.
Dale Carnegie

Hope is the word that God has written on the forehead of every man.
Victor Hugo

Hope belongs to life, it is life itself that defends itself.
Julio Cortázar

Hope puts faith to work when doubting would be easier.

Hope is the morphine of life.
Louis Dumur

Even without hope, the struggle is still a hope.
Romain Rolland

Hope is an indiscreet bore that one cannot get rid of, it is a brawling friend who always has reason on his side, he is a cunning traitor more persevering even than honesty.
Sören Kierkegaard

There is no medicine like hope, no incentive as great, and no tonic as powerful as waiting for something to happen tomorrow.
Orison Swett Marden

Hell is the state of those who have ceased to hope.
A.J. Cronin

Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have is not permanent.
Mignon McLaughlin

When hope is hungry, it feeds everything.
Mignon McLaughlin

When you are faced with a task,
in front of a goal,
that all the pores of your skin,
that all the atoms of your blood,
that all the vibrations of your soul
may say: "I can do it"
Fabrizio Caramagna

There are two lasting things that we can bequeath to our children: roots and wings.
William Hodding Carter II

A winner is simply a dreamer who has not given up.
Nelson Mandela

The hope. The quintessential human delusion is both the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.
From the movie Matrix Reloaded

Heart, there will be a time when you will make up for this emptiness, and young words will dive on you and caresses will make nests and hopes will plant new seeds. And your heartbeat will once again be powerful and shared.
Fabrizio Caramagna

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Funny hope phrases

But sometimes, to overcome despair and despair, man only needs a smile. So here are some funny and ironic phrases about hope, to see life with a more cynical and irreverent gaze and not to take everything seriously.

At some point in life hope is not the last to die, but dying is the last hope.
Leonardo Sciascia

A second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.
Samuel Johnson

The bridge between despair and hope is a good sleep.

Hope is a kind of infantile scarlet fever that we carry with us all our life.
Gesualdo Bufalino

Hope is good for breakfast, but it's a bad dinner.
Francis Bacon

Hope, however deceptive it may be, at least serves to lead us to death by a pleasant path.
François de La Rochefoucauld

Whoever lives in hope dies fasting.
Benjamin Franklin

Feel hope, I don't know who has lost you, I already have my problems and I cannot keep up with you, and then I live in regret, I am nostalgic for lost things, but perhaps I have already seen you somewhere, I have just imagined you with those eyes and that bright smile, come here and tell me how you are.
Fabrizio Caramagna

Hope is the only universal liar who never loses his reputation for truthfulness.
Robert G. Ingersoll

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