Toscani: thick but short sex

8 sexual intercourse per month, 96 per year. These are the data about the habits of Tuscans in the bedroom. The sore point is that 80% declare themselves dissatisfied with the intimate sphere: for 250,000 couples - well one in four - the relationship lasts too short, less than two minutes, and about 40,000 are at risk of infidelity or breakup.

This is supported by a survey presented at the National Congress of the Italian Andrologists Association, according to which in Tuscany especially, dissatisfaction is often due to the fact that he "It goes out too soon". The research, conducted on a sample of 825 men and 402 women, highlighted how 53% of men in Tuscany complain of insecurities in sexual intercourse (only among Lazio's the percentage is greater and exceeds 60%) and this would cause difficulties in the couple relationship, and in reaching orgasm by women (62% of Tuscans judge their sexual relations unsatisfactory).

"Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual disorder and leads to a lot of frustration in both partners" - explains Nicola Mondaini, head of the andrology service of the Santa Maria Annunziata hospital in Florence - "He becomes insecure and loses self-esteem, she reacts with anger and aggression".

The result? 16% end up cheating on or breaking up the relationship.

See also Lesbian sex: this is how it works!