The most significant phrases against bullying, to reflect on mutual respect

The day against bullying has just passed (7 February), a truly alarming phenomenon that often affects children in the school context. How to prevent, at school but also at home, the onset of this problem? And how to best intervene? There are some signs that you can pick up; if you think you have noticed them in someone you know, break the silence and contact the toll-free number that you find in the video below.

So is bullying

Bullying is an extremely widespread social phenomenon, and is characterized by systematic actions that aim at the prevarication of the other. Often these attitudes are found in children and / or young people, as individuals or as a group, towards a peer, who in the eyes of the bully is categorized as "weak".

You can talk about bullying when you see some recurring elements:

  • bullying and abuses that are carried out periodically (repeated violence);
  • the bully chooses to carry out intimidating actions to sanction his "power" role towards the victim (marginalization);
  • the witnesses of these abuses, not only observe without intervening defending the boy (indifference), but even worse sometimes they mock him or incite the bully to continue.

In the face of these signals, there is no doubt that it is a real act of bullying, and therefore a psychological or physical violence in all respects.

How is it possible to prevent these attitudes and how to fight them in the most appropriate way? Certainly raising awareness among the younger groups, bringing to their attention texts and films that explore the theme. Being aware of the problem is the first step in understanding and facing it.

Read on and pause to reflect thanks to some of the most famous phrases against abuse.

See also

What bullying is: from cyberbullying to psychological bullying, whatever it is

How to react to bullying: useful tips and ways to deal with it

How to tell if your child is being bullied: 5 signs!

13 famous quotes

Much has been written on the subject of bullying and cyberbullying, especially in recent years, when the unlimited access of young people to smartphones and the internet has brought to light the real damage that these behaviors bring. Fortunately, many teenagers have taken note of the gravity of the situation and denounce the incidents both to parents and to the competent support channels, sometimes becoming real ambassadors of mutual respect.

But what are the facets of bullying and why do some comrades come to aggressively treat even those who were once friends?
To try to understand it better, let's give the floor to some famous authors, who have analyzed its complexities: here are several famous quotes and phrases against verbal and physical offenses.

1) "What frightens me is not the violence of the bad guys; it is the" indifference of the good guys ". (Martin Luther King)

2) "Violence is the" last refuge of the "incompetent". (Isaac Asimov)

3) "Violence is not strength but weakness, nor can it ever be the creator of anything but only destroying". (Benedetto Croce)

4) "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent". (Eleanor Roosevelt)

5) "Who decides who is normal? Normality is an invention of those who have no imagination". (Alda Merini)

6) "Don't be bullied silently. Don't let them make you a victim. Don't accept anyone's definition of your life, define yourself." (Harvey Fierstein)

7) "Indifference" is more guilty than violence itself. It is the "moral apathy of those who turn the other way: it happens even today towards racism and other horrors of the world". (Liliana Segre)

8) "Rare are the people who use the mind, few are those who use the heart and only those who use both". (Rita Levi Montalcini)

9) "Violence can only be overcome with love. Responding to" hatred with other hatred only increases the magnitude and depth of the hate itself ". (Gandhi)

10) "If there are no heroes to save you, then be the hero." (Denpa Kyoshi)

11) "Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke". (Benjamin Disraeli)

12) "Almost half of all our anxieties and fears derive from our concern for the opinion of others". (Arthur Shopenhauer)

13) "Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity". (Albert Einstein)

8 anti-bullying slogans

If you are about to take part in a demonstration against violent actions, or if you want to spread a message of tolerance and respect, take a look below and find the right anti-bullying slogan for you!

1) The Bully is just an inflated balloon. Let's deflate it.

2) It is easy to blame the weakest. What if tomorrow is you the weak one?

3) Let's unbolt.

4) It is not great who needs to make you feel small.

5) Bullying is toxic. It kills.

6) Bullying doesn't have to be a secret. Talking is the key to the problem.

7) Bullying does not teach. Mark.

8) Bullying is ignorance of believing you are strong.

8 aphorisms about cyberbullying

Cyber ​​bullies defame acquaintances and others online, just to impose their authority on others. They act by posting offensive comments and images, which, like verbal or physical violence, can be very dangerous. Virtual intimidation is not to be underestimated: it is the form of bullying that most affects the very young and adolescents, the targets who constantly use the web and social media.

We want to offer you some phrases and aphorisms, dedicated specifically to the bullying that occurs online, to push even the youngest readers to say "No" to cyberbullying.

1) "Indifference" is more guilty than violence itself. Especially on social media, don't be indifferent! "

2) "Being violent means being weak. Not to mention someone who is violent by hiding behind a screen".

3) "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. If someone threatens you online, talk about it."

4) "Online bullies are losers. They are not stronger than you and they are no longer cool. They are rotten and suffering people and the only way they know to find a minimum of inner serenity and self-esteem is to try to make you feel miserable as much as they feel. They hate you because they are jealous of you. They hate you because hating is easy, being original and different requires intelligence. " (J-Ax)

5) "Not all forms of abuse leave bruises." (Danielle Steel)

6) "It is not that bullying has become worse than in the past. The instinct of cruelty is the same instinct of the past years. The only difference is that the tools for offending have become more sophisticated. With social networking, computers and smartphones you become bullied all day. It is now a health problem. "

7) "Bad words can hurt more than slaps. Before writing something you need to think. The pain that can be caused is more intense than you can imagine and maybe when you realize it will be too late".

8) "The wise old man says that sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me, wrong! In the world of technology, false or humiliating comments can go viral and hurt more than beatings ".

10 touching reflections

Victims of bullying carry the scars of abuse with them for a very long time. This experience leaves an indelible mark because it is a trauma. For some, sadly, the pain never goes away.
Here then the abuses and wickedness must be minimized, because not only children and children no longer feel safe in their schools, but the parents themselves suffer through the eyes of their children, feeling powerless in the face of this invisible enemy.
Read the steps below to understand the point of view of bullied victims:

1) "It feels tremendous shame to be bullied, because at some point you start to think there is a reason why you are being targeted." (Matt Reeves)

2) "Everywhere you look you can find people who do not care or who are unaware of the pain they inflict, it could be a neighbor who torments a friend with her suspicions, or a daughter who punishes her mother's choices, or a housewife who wants justice from the man who sold her car. Yes, there are bullies all over the place and the worst are those who take advantage of you without you realizing they did it. " (From the movie Desperate Housewives)

3) "A young marginalized person has the feeling that there is something wrong with himself. Over time he will lose more and more confidence in himself and will begin to feel uncomfortable with everyone else." (Criss Jami)

4) "It is easy to become the prey of a bully, just a pair of glasses, or braces, a few extra pounds, or declare oneself gay or lesbian. I always say that we are born free and without prejudice until the age of puberty . Then, for the rest of our lives, we try to heal the wounds we got in that period. " (Conchita Wurst)

5) "Children are not safe even in their homes. They can be harassed via mobile phones or computers, 24 hours a day, seven days a week". (Linda Sanchez)

6) "Bullies are very good at manipulating the situation and making people believe that the episode was just a game. Bullying, however, is not a game, but rather a behavior capable of leaving deep wounds in those who suffer it." (Alessia Filippi)

7) "There is no more devastating gesture than seeing people walking away from you as if you were a monster, as if you were wrong". (Rachel Simmons)

8) "To teachers and parents: you have everything under your eyes. All you need is the desire to look, to really see. And to the boys and girls who live this hell, a hug from a brother who tells you: hold on, one day hell will end. " (Massimo Gramellini, quoting a letter from a victim of bullying)

9) "It is useless to hide because for better or for worse things come to know the same! We must speak above all if it is a situation like mine or that of many other people, but to the victims I say: it is good to get help because I am it seems useless that others ruin your life for nothing, they are people who do not deserve your attention or your trust, but above all they do not deserve your respect and your friendship ",
(excerpt from a letter from Alice, 14 and a victim of bullying, published in Corriere della Sera)

10) "I was the favorite victim of bullies. I dressed weird, I was dyslexic and very shy. I did everything to be popular, but it didn't work [...]. My mother was very worried at that time, she said to me:" Or stop in jail or you become very special ". (Mika)

8 poems against bullying

Among the most accredited writings to fully understand the phenomenon of bullying, the text in verse could certainly not be missing! The teachers themselves have repeatedly assigned some projects at home to the little ones, to make them express in rhyme on such a delicate topic.

Poems and nursery rhymes for children against bullying are useful to propose in class and interesting to be read at home; they can also be recited by mum and dad to strike up a conversation with their children.

To you some rhyming verses to help you understand what this theme can arouse in children.

1) Poem "Il Bullo" by Maria Ruggi
You are big fat and stupid
you only know how to do nonsense
you have no friends, you have accomplices
for your bullying.
Scrub the weak
because you are without honor
play big with the little ones
with the dark inside the heart.
It may be that you basically
you have chosen to be cowardly
because you don't have the courage
to be kind.
But for the moment
as long as you bully
I can only tell you
that you are a great citrullo.

2) If there is a bully who bullies you (Jolanda Restano)
If there is a bully who bullies you
and does not see that it is "nothing",
ask some friends for help,
to your favorite companion,
to teachers, to parents,
to adult educators.
In a moment, hey!
the bully will disappear;
will remain a kid
all alone and with bowed head.
If you will hold out your hand
you will not have fought in vain:
and the now polite bully
is an earned friend!

3) The null Bully
That over there is a bully
and thinks you're an ace,
but he has not, alas, understood
to be soft as a fig.
Presumption and arrogance
they are sisters of ignorance.
With the brain of a hamster
you don't know any prohibition,
but do not believe it is not known
that someone harasses you.
That nobody taught you
the importance of respect,
than in your sad past
there are monsters in the drawer.
If to get you respected,
violence you have to use,
well, then, dear bully
you are more stupid than a fool
and we all tell you:

4) Bully is not beautiful (Germana Bruno)
Leave me alone, what have I done to you?
Why are you satisfied if I cry?
You feel strong, you feel powerful,
but in reality you are less than nothing
and maybe you know this in your heart,
and that's why you do what you do.
There is a great bad air around you
there is loneliness and a lot of fear
that fills you with satisfaction
because you feel the master of the world.
Leave me alone, why don't you stop?
You seem to like to tease me,
it's very sad, really, to think
that you have nothing better to do.
Stop for a moment and look around,
always the same story every day,
for you there is no sincere smile,
you don't have a true friend by your side.
Everyone dodges as you pass,
do you think you will benefit from it?
Stop for a moment and look inside
you certainly feel a deep dismay,
a great emptiness, an immense pain
equal only to what you make them feel.
So stop being a bully
and be kind you will see how beautiful it is!

5) The "Donkey
The donkey is not the bully nor the victim of bullying,
The donkey is the one who looks, the one who knows and does not speak, the one who knows and does not intervene.
What can make a difference and does not.
Don't be an ass.

6) (Lawrence)
Never say: "I"
instead say: "We".
Never say: "Mine"
instead say: "Our".
Never say: "It's his turn"
instead say: "I'll start".
Never say: "I can't"
instead say: "Here I am".
Never say: "Go away" "
instead say: "Come!".
Never say: "Tomorrow"
instead say: "Today".
Never say: "Death"
instead say: "Life":

7) Hey, you!
Why are you bullying?
Why so much hate?
When will you stop hurting and start loving?
Do you think you are great?
It's not funny.
Being strong is not hurting.
Great is he who does good.
You want to make your mark by hurting someone,
But you will remain alone.
Fill your days with love,
Smiling at a friend is beautiful,
Stop mocking others to feel like someone.
Sharing is more fun than isolating.
No to bullying in our schools.
From today you are less of a bully and more of a friend.

8) Bullying is not fairytale (Germana Bruno)
Maybe you can have an oversight
because there is the protagonist:
he is the Bully and he is not good,
from powerful you set a tone.
It's a sad story,
the antagonist is not opposed,
a fragile creature
which makes life hard.
If the helpers of the Bully,
alas, there are so many,
for the victim, poor thing,
this circle is much narrower.
This story has no time,
but it happens every moment,
everywhere, in every place
and it doesn't last long either.
It can only end
if you are not indifferent,
if you look and see clearly,
if you act and take action.
Bullying is not fairytale,
it is a story of hatred and anger
which can have a happy ending
if the one who oppresses you is defeated.

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