Localized or general weight loss: how to lose kilos in a short time and in a targeted way!

To lose weight we all know the steps to take: a "healthy and balanced diet, at least 1.5 liters of water a day, regular physical activity and a lifestyle that does not include alcohol, smoking, too fatty or sweet foods. Yet, all this is not enough!

The problem, in addition to consistently following these indications, actually arises when you have to understand what type of weight loss we aspire to: localized - that is concentrated only in certain points of the body, usually legs, buttocks, hips, abdomen - or general , that is, involving the whole body in a uniform way.

In fact, these are two very different types of weight loss and involve equally different approaches. So let's see how to deal with these two situations for results aimed at the specific needs of each one.

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Localized weight loss: losing weight in the right places

There are those who argue that it does not exist, those who, in order to lose weight only in specific points, have to rely on exhausting sessions of targeted exercises and those who propose questionable methods designed only to make people spend money.

But what is localized fat and why does it form in those places?
When a part of the body fat is concentrated in specific regions that become the preferred reservoir for the accumulation of excess lipids, it is called localized fat.

This concept contrasts with the so-called generalized adiposity, which indicates a homogeneous distribution of body fat. The formation of localized adiposity is influenced by many factors: it varies according to sex, age, body fat percentage, genes, hormones.

The areas most frequently affected by localized adiposity vary between the two sexes. Men usually manifest the so-called android or apple-type obesity (fat mass concentrated in the face, neck, shoulders and especially in the abdomen above the navel), while in women gynoid or pear-like obesity prevails ( fat mass concentrated in the hips, buttocks, thighs and abdomen below the navel).

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Furthermore, although episodes of localized adiposity among the youngest are increasingly frequent, this phenomenon occurs more frequently above the age of 40 and due to important physiological changes such as a drop in estrogen in women and testosterone in men.

Although heredity plays a very important role, we must not transform this evidence into an excuse ready to justify the failure to achieve one's goals, because, to be honest, genetic predisposition, although strongly involved in the distribution of body fat, can be kept under control.

Although more difficult to achieve than general weight loss, losing weight and centimeters in some places rather than others is not impossible and we will shortly explain an innovative and absolutely unique approach to achieve this goal.

General weight loss: lose weight evenly

Those who have to lose weight evenly may consider themselves more fortunate. When you gain weight, the extra pounds are not concentrated in certain areas but are distributed throughout the body: on the breasts, on the stomach but also on the hips, waist and buttocks.

It is a generalized overweight, certainly linked to bad eating habits (fatty and sugary food, overtime meals), the lack of physical activity (no sport, sedentary lifestyle), a progressive letting go and the yo-yo effect of repeat diets.

To regain a slim silhouette the power supply must certainly be changed, reactivated the metabolism, we must move more And reconcile with your body.

Localized or uniform fat: everyone has their own program!

To reactivate the metabolism to its maximum functionality and fight fat deposits - whether they are localized or evenly distributed - there is now a new ally: the Metabolism Acceleration Center.
Opened in Milan, it is the first Italian center of this type and its revolutionary anti-grease therapeutic approach represents an absolute novelty.

In the center there are highly specialized medical figures and equipment with very high technological performance to offer an innovative and personalized therapeutic path aimed at reactivating the metabolism to its maximum functionality and fighting adiposity.

The basic concept is that with the passage of time, due to a series of processes that take place inside the adipocytes (fat cells), chronic inflammation occurs, the number of beta3 receptors essential in the slimming process decreases and the protein said interleukin1, on the other hand, tends to make you fat more and more.

Metabolism acceleration center

To deal with these - unfortunately inevitable - "road accidents", the Metabolism Acceleration Center proposes 2 targeted programs:

- The SPEED UP FAT program is aimed at those who have to lose lost in a generalized way and reactivate the metabolism.
This program uses 1 cryogenic metabolic accelerator (a sort of large shower in which you enter by subjecting the body to a temperature of -110 ° for 2/3 minutes at most) to accelerate the visceral and subcutaneous metabolism and 1 Ozonizer with adipositary anti-inflammatory action.

- The SPEED UP FAT LOCAL program for those who need to eliminate localized fat only in certain parts of the body. In this case, 1 ion-phoretic handpiece is used with which osmotic liquid is infused deep into the area to be treated to obtain the swelling of the adipose cells, 1 cryogenic adipose crystallizer thanks to which the previously plumped cells are crystallized, and 1 wave transducer ultrasonic shock for the fractionation of unsightly fat cells.

And always to speed up the metabolism, it can also be useful to choose some foods rather than others, these in the gallery are real boosters!

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