How to feel good physically: 10 golden rules to live in harmony with your body!

Having a peaceful relationship with your body is a fundamental detail to be physically and mentally well and thus live a satisfying, rich and harmonious life. However, this is not always an easy and immediate aspect: in fact, we are often unable to listen to and appreciate our body, and this leads us to be dissatisfied, discontented and not very centered on ourselves. Listening and looking at each other with kindness and complicity is not at all obvious but it is an essential step if you want to start having a healthy and virtuous relationship with your body and thus benefit from it also on a mental and psychological level.

But then, how to feel good physically and live in harmony with your body? Here are 10 effective and simple tips to learn to love each other and have a relationship as peaceful as possible with yourself and your body!

1. Eat well

Properly nourish your body: it is an essential first step to feel good inside and out. Choose a healthy and varied diet and try to introduce it as much as possible into your daily diet. Escape the obsession with thinness at all costs or the nightmare of excess pounds, and choose to eat well to ensure the right nourishment for your body and keep yourself healthy. A healthy and varied diet will inevitably make you feel good about yourself: you will see yourself more beautiful and fitter, and your mind will also benefit from it. After all, we don't say at all "we are what we eat" Remember to drink enough: water is another essential element to be physically well.

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2. Exercise, whatever you like!

Physical exercise is a real cure-all for the body and mind. So choose a physical activity to practice consistently, but be careful: choose what you really like. Do not force yourself with sports that you do not fully appreciate and that cost you effort, let your preference fall on sports you love and that make you feel good. Remember: physical exercise is not just fatigue, but it must also be fun and passion. Even just walking in the green, surrounded by nature, can be a great way to play sports. In short, make sure you move enough and consistently and to allow your body to let off steam and recharge; even in this case, it will not only be your body that says thank you ...

3. Do meditation

Give your body a gift: every morning, or at any time of the day, meditate for at least 10 minutes. Let your thoughts flow and focus on your breathing. You can also start from these 4 simple exercises to approach mindfulness meditation and get started in this beneficial discipline, useful for living in harmony with your body and your mind. Adopt it as a daily habit and in a short time you will be able to see many benefits that will allow you to live your daily life with greater serenity and awareness.

4. Listen to your body

Learn to listen to what it "tells you". Pay attention to its often silent signals and anticipate it, without reaching the limit. Our body speaks to us, it is enough to know how to listen. Pay attention to their reactions and the feelings they give you. Give yourself breaks and moments of relaxation, recognize signs of stress and try to intervene in time. Don't put yourself to the test, but learn to work to make him happy. Try to introduce activities and habits that you love and that relax you and allow you to disconnect and regenerate as much as possible. Only in this way will you be able to guarantee complete serenity to your body, giving it the energy it needs to face everyday life and everyday commitments.

5. Enhance it

In addition to nourishing him adequately, listening to him and giving him moments of rest, also remember to value him. Choose clothes that best enhance your physicality and allow yourself to see yourself beautiful! Focus on your strengths, and not always and only on flaws and imperfections; learn to emphasize your qualities and buy clothes that make you feel at ease, without giving too much importance to the diktats of fashion.

Do you love baggy dresses, empire-style dresses or are you a real fan of trousers? Choose the clothing you love, the only rule: you must feel at ease and radiate serenity and harmony from all pores!

6. Take care of him with moments of healthy relaxation!

As anticipated, granting healthy moments of relaxation to your body is a fundamental detail. Give yourself some real beauty pampering from time to time; in addition to relaxing, they will make you feel good and in harmony with your body. Relaxing showers with suggestive scents and background music, do-it-yourself scrubs, creams with heady scents and velvety textures ... in short, all the beauty moments you want to pamper him properly and give him precious minutes of total relaxation. The mind will also be affected ...

7. Don't compare yourself to others!

Avoid comparing yourself to others. Look at your path, the steps you have taken, the goals reached and compare yourself only with yourself. Only in this way, you can be satisfied and motivated to do better and better, avoiding negative feelings, envy and frustration. Listen to yourself and be strong in your ideas and beliefs, without letting yourself be influenced by your surroundings, as much as possible. You are the only person whose judgment you must fear. Try not to be too hard on yourself, look at yourself with the right eyes and a pinch of love and complicity. It is the right rule to live in harmony with yourself, pushing yourself to do always better.

8. Stay away from sources of stress or people who do not give you peace of mind!

Try to stay away from stress or take action immediately when the first symptoms appear. Also, be sure to guarantee an environment as peaceful as possible and surround yourself with virtuous relationships and people who stimulate you and make you feel at ease, allowing you to express the best of yourself. Avoid toxic people who make your environment heavy and your relationship with yourself difficult and not very peaceful.

9. Look in the mirror and smile

Start your days with a smile. Take a look in the mirror, and while you splatter your moisturizer, make up or fix your hair, don't forget to smile. It seems a trivial and insignificant gesture, but it is the first gesture of love that you give yourself in the day. Make an effort the first few times, and you will see that it will come to you more and more natural and immediate. Love for oneself is cultivated and is simpler than one might think.

Try these simple mirror exercises and start to really love yourself, starting from the relationship with your body. You will be surprised by the many benefits you will derive from it.

10. Learn about gratitude

Learn to say thank you. You will be amazed by the positive energies that will circulate thanks to this simple word. Learn gratitude and try to look more and more to the positive, forgetting flaws and imperfections. By focusing on what you have, and avoiding reminding yourself of what you miss, you will attract more and more beautiful things and make your life richer and fuller.
Start with a simple exercise: every night, before you fall asleep, write down at least three little things that happened on that day for which you are particularly grateful. Give thanks and the universe will reward you, giving you what you want.