#Lazonarosa: how to manage your food in quarantine

That this forced quarantine significantly altered our habits was evident from the beginning.Since we have been in this condition of isolation, we have had to review our ways of approaching work, interpersonal relationships and, why not, even nutrition. Accustomed to a routine tightened by timing that is difficult - if not impossible - to escape, we are now called to rethink and reorganize our lives and we must do it starting from the most basic aspects, such as, in fact, our diet, which may seem trivial, but it is undoubtedly fundamental. So here are five suggestions with which to maintain that bit of normality, which we miss so much, at least at the table.

# 1: The luxury of breakfast

Are you used to having a hyper-hasty breakfast based on flying coffee and dry biscuits with no nutritional value? Here, take advantage of this moment to rediscover the luxury of a real breakfast. Now that you no longer have to rush to get the means and, consequently, you can get up more calmly, take all the time you need to enjoy the morning meal, the most important. Indulge yourself as you see fit: savory breakfast, American breakfast or, even better, breakfast in bed, you will see that your day will turn out great!

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# 2: S.O.S. snacks!

Even if you are working from home, don't forget the canonical 10-minute break you used to take at work. And with them, keep the snack habit too. It is really not recommended to go from one meal to another with a gap of hours in between, which will, in turn, generate an equally large hole in your belly. Mark your day with healthy, quick snacks (such as fruit, yogurt, or a handful of dried fruit) and be sure your metabolism will thank you.

# 3: Smart shopping

Let it be clear once and for all: going to the supermarket is not a pleasure trip. Going to the supermarket is a right that is granted to us as a place where it is possible to find basic necessities. We try to avoid daily shipments that do nothing but create endless and useless queues - or worse, risky - gatherings in the fruit and vegetable department. Instead, plan a sort of weekly menu that covers the main meals of each day and, at the beginning of the week, make a complete list of everything you need. In this way, your pantry will be complete for a long time and you will not need to go to the supermarket every other day as well.

# 4 Mens sana in corpore sano

“A healthy mind in a healthy body”, so Juvenal used to say. And he wasn't all wrong. These are strange days, we feel fragile and vulnerable and, at times, we have the feeling of being on a roller coaster of emotions, between continuous ups and downs of humor. Food, in this, can play a really decisive role. Do not let the apathy and discomfort that you take on alternate days affect your eating habits. Make a commitment to eat right and healthy and fill your carts with seasonal fruit and vegetables. I assure you that a healthy diet will nourish your body and mind at the same time and will help you feel good about yourself, maintaining that glimmer of rationality that, now as never before, is easy to lose.

# 5 Pamper yourself!

It's okay to eat healthy, but indulge in some pampering from time to time. Bake your favorite cake, have a tub of ice cream delivered to your home and let yourself be sweetened by a square of chocolate as you recline on the sofa to enjoy a good movie. In short, be indulgent with yourself and give yourself a boost of serotonin, you need it and you deserve it.

Tags:  Properly Women-Of-Today In Shape