How to make wrinkles disappear? With an electric shock!

For those obsessed with the signs of aging there is a novelty, which comes from the United States. At New York University what can be considered a valid alternative to Botox was tested: it is an electric shock capable of pulling wrinkles , or rather to paralyze the muscles of the face that cause them.

"The results are the same as those obtained with Botox but the mechanism of action is different", says dermatologist Kenneth Mark, one of the first to have experienced it, who continues: "The toxin blocks neurotransmitters by inhibiting the movement of muscles, the new method instead develops a small thermal damage the size of a grain of rice and blocks the nerves that control the muscles. It can only be used for wrinkles on the forehead, not for the "eye area and the effects last up to 2 years".

The cost? It seems that a treatment costs 3 thousand dollars. Is the Botox days numbered? We'll see.

anti-wrinkle electric shock