Yellow color: meaning and properties on the mind

The theory of colors is being studied more and more, trying to reveal the meanings that lie behind each of them and the different properties they have both on the mind and body of the people who come into contact with them. In general, three primary colors are recognized among the colors, in addition to white and black, which are blue, red and yellow. The latter, given its characteristics, is a particularly positive color, even if it is not really for everyone ...

Symbology and meaning of the yellow color

«Yellow is the color of the sun, associated with laughter, it is happiness and good humor. A person, immersed in a yellow environment, exudes optimism. "

Both in art and in everyday life, a rich symbolism has been created around yellow which has meant that this color is associated with more than one meaning. It represents both some natural elements and certain sensations and different concepts. abstract.

  • Light: as a first meaning, yellow certainly represents light. Goethe himself said: "yellow is the color closest to light". For this reason, it has become the hue that indicates the sun, its rays and even its heat. All of this has led to yellow being a notoriously positive hue, with its glow in stark contrast to the darkness of other colors.
  • Cheerfulness and joy: yellow is not only a symbol of light "concretely understood", but also of that "of the" soul. This indicates the good humor and light-heartedness that this color seems to represent, especially with its most flamboyant shades. like that of "Cadmo Yellow" or "Chrome".
  • Autumn: this meaning has been associated with yellow especially in the world of art and only for some of its shades, such as the one called "Napoli Yellow". In fact, if green is the emblem of spring, together with red and orange , this color identifies the leaves of autumn, a melancholy but, at the same time, always fascinating season. Therefore, yellow is often used in the paintings of the various artistic periods that depict this scenery of nature.

See also

Red color: meaning and properties on the mind

Meaning of colors: symbology and properties on the mind

Purple color: symbolism, meaning and effects on the mind

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  • Wisdom: this connotation derives from oriental cultures, especially that of Buddhism. In fact, for this philosophy of life, yellow was associated with all the positive phases of human existence and its main qualities, such as birth and sociability. In general, in China, yellow is the color of the emperor, of health , honors and spirituality Japan partly follows this meaning and sees yellow as the color of nobility and grace.
  • Wealth: gold is considered as a shade of yellow and all this has led this color to be also the symbol of wealth. It can directly recall the gold of jewels, coins and other precious items in which it appears.
  • Attention: if red is more precisely the color used in the signs indicating danger, yellow is the one that, on the other hand, draws attention to a specific situation that could become dangerous. For example, in temporary road signs or in traffic lights in the passage from green to red.

The effects of yellow on the mind

It has been noted how the different properties of colors act differently on people's minds and, in the same way, on the body. In fact, the benefits of chromotherapy, which sees the use of colors to treat certain physical ailments or pains, are increasingly evident. As for yellow, if used for therapeutic purposes for the body, the ability to regulate the frequency is noted. heart and to balance blood pressure.

On the mind, on the other hand, yellow infuses security and energy. Not surprisingly, from a spiritual point of view, it is the color that represents the third chakra, defined as the "power chakra". It is placed at the height of the solar plexus and identifies the action. Therefore, yellow is able to stimulate one's inner abilities as well as positivity and joie de vivre. It is a recommended color for the various rooms of the house, from the kitchen to the living room, because it makes them warm and welcoming, without having the "exciting" effect of red. The walls of a bedroom can be painted yellow unless you suffer from insomnia: in this case, the blue color is recommended.

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When choosing a favorite color, certain characteristics of your character are exhibited even unknowingly. Those who love yellow are usually an outgoing person, full of energy, who knows how to welcome the news that life offers them with pleasure and optimism. These are particularly positive, creative and confident individuals in their abilities, so much so that they sometimes err on the side of self-centeredness. On the other hand, those who shy away from yellow may be introverted and disappointed with others, who prefers to stay inside their own home rather than go out into the open air.

The brief history of the color yellow

Unlike blue, yellow was a positive color in Greek and Roman culture. In fact, both used it in the frescoes on the walls and the Romans chose ocher as the shades of their clothes for the most important ceremonies, such as weddings. In the Middle Ages, however, the luck of yellow declined because, for the first time, gold was distinguished from real yellow. The former was the color of wealth, prestige and power, while the latter became the symbol of betrayal. It is no coincidence that in medieval novels, negative characters were represented with yellow robes.

This negative connotation continued for centuries, when yellow continued to be used to indicate the excluded and the condemned. Think, for example, of the yellow star that the Jews had to expose for years, even in the twentieth century. Only from the eighteenth century, the period of the development of color theory, did yellow return to its original positive meaning. In the 1920s, it became the emblem color of the "I Gialli" collection by Mondadori, or rather of the series of detective novels, of which it is now a synonym. Today it is often used in marketing to attract the user's attention, especially when combined with darker colors, such as black.

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