What is the relationship between young people and music?

Did you know that the most used medium to listen to music is Youtube, followed by the radio? Or that music is "communication", especially for women? And that for teenagers, sharing travels more on WhatsApp than on social networks?

These are just some of the evidence that emerged from the survey carried out by Coca-Cola Italy, in collaboration with the "Squadrati" market research institute.

For 48.3% of the interviewees, music is "entertainment", followed by those who define it "communication" (23.3%), "culture" (19.8%) and, last but not least, "sound" (8, 5%). For the vast majority of respondents, the musical experience is a "social fact": as many as 75% of the sample always or often talks about music with friends. And why does he do it? For 89% of young people talking about music is a way to express their emotions (a statement widely shared by females, for 93.8%) while, for 81%, talking about music with other people is a way to get to know them better.

In terms of music and social media, although publishing on their social account is the most popular form of sharing (with a peak of 69.2% among 20-24 year olds), 13-19 year olds prefer to share music on private channels such as WhatsApp or Messenger.

As many as 47% of respondents listen to music without doing anything else. It is more often females who indulge in dedicated listening than males (49.9% vs 44%), while the very young are more multitasking: only 36% devote exclusive listening to music towards 57.1% of 25- 29-year-olds and 53.7% of 30-35-year-olds.

Finally, with increasing age, interest in musical discoveries seems to diminish; in fact, if 43.3% of 13-19 year olds love to discover new music rather than listening to already known artists, among 30-35 year olds 70.1% are more nostalgic and prefer to listen to their favorite artists.

And what music listeners are you?