Alfonso Signorini confides live: "I had an affair with Valeria Marini!"

No, it's not the plot of a horror movie, unfortunately. This is a shocking statement made by Alfonso Signorini, during the Barbara D "Urso, Sunday Live, which shocked everyone. Yes, because the gossip journalist, used to shaking celebrities and their private lives due to rumors and indiscretions of all kinds, this time decided to talk about himself and his skeletons in the closet, revealing details of his life. amorous past decidedly unexpected.

The most feared journalist of the showbiz in fact, during the live broadcast of Canale 5, declared that he had had a relationship with the soubrette Valeria Marini, which lasted a few months. "Not just one night", specified the director of Chi, who then specified: "It lasted at least five or six months." Not only that, the direct interested party was also added to the national-popular Sunday afternoon curtain by Mediaset, who in connection confirmed the liaison. In short, that the two were linked by a great friendship and a deep affection was now known, but that between the journalist and the most sparkling of the showgirls of our house there had been a relationship, no one would have ever imagined. After all, the "living room" of Barbara D "Urso always reserves great" surprises ".

© All photos by Kikapress Alfonso Signorini and Valeria Marini