Safe pregnancy: the handbook of practical advice to prevent risks during expectation

In pregnancy, you know, every little action must be under control to avoid acting recklessly and damaging the baby on the way. A regular and healthy lifestyle can only be the starting point for trying to live one of the most beautiful and delicate periods of life in the best possible way. Yet, often, during the wonderful moment of expectation it is hard to lose habits and small pleasures that we normally allow ourselves, and a seemingly trivial renunciation can cost us a certain effort. This is why we have decided to tackle the topic of alcohol in pregnancy, with the aim of showing you how essential it is to stop it, at least in nine long and beautiful months of your sweet expectation.

No rhetoric, we admit it: staying away from all alcoholic beverages, especially if you are a real fan, is not easy at all, but we are sure that by reading this simple vademecum you can quickly convince yourself of how much it is worth saying no to a Mohito for your good and that of your future baby. But alcohol is not the only habit from which you will have to watch out, there are other small vices to keep at bay while waiting for you. To help you live this period with greater serenity and safety, we have drawn up a handbook of practical advice to prevent any risk of alcohol during pregnancy. Here it is below ...

1. A healthy and balanced diet

A "regular diet and a healthy lifestyle are the starting point for living a peaceful pregnancy. Eliminate raw foods and carefully choose sausages. Banish raw eggs and homemade mayonnaise. Yes, industrial mayonnaise. No also. with soft and semi-soft cheeses.And as always, also abound with fruit and vegetables.

See also

Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: symptoms and causes of infection and how to prevent re

Twin pregnancy: symptoms and risks of a particular "waiting"

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2. Beware of drugs

Always pay attention to the medications you take. Read the package leaflet carefully, even for the most ordinary medicines, and if in doubt, do not hesitate to contact your gynecologist.

3. No smoke!

Forget the smoke. And try to breathe as little second-hand smoke as possible, which is harmful to your health and that of the fetus. It goes without saying that this behavioral rule should be continued even once your newborn has been given birth ...

4. Take care of hygiene more

It is useless to tell you how essential it is to take care of hygiene in this period when your body is particularly delicate.

5. Pay more attention in the kitchen

Always take care to wash all foods well, especially fruit and vegetables. It is imperative that anything you ingest is hygienically safe.

6. Eliminate alcohol consumption

As previously mentioned, eliminate the consumption of alcohol in all its forms, wine, beer, spirits, spirits, as it is responsible for alterations in embryo-fetal development, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.

7. Beware of travel and travel

It is a good idea to avoid long and tiring journeys while pregnant, and in any case be sure to travel safely. For this reason, we recommend traveling with vehicles that provide the possibility of making possible stops in case of need. Trains and cars, for example, are suitable if, however, you make rather short journeys. A separate chapter for the plane: to be avoided in the third trimester, this means of transport can be taken in the remainder of the pregnancy, although it is still advisable to consult your gynecologist.
No to the scooter, which also due to possible road instability, can be dangerous.

8. Be careful about living with animals

When expecting a baby, some attention should be paid to cats, and felines in general, which, as you may know, can cause Toxoplasmosis, if they eat raw or undercooked meat and which pregnant women may contract when in contact with feces. of the cat. So it's best to stay away from your pet's litter box and wash your hands well if you handle raw meat intended for your pets.

9. Physical activity

Even mild physical activity is allowed, as long as it is short and does not tire you excessively. Absolutely banned sports that are violent or at risk of trauma, including bicycles. The best activity is to take long walks in the open air.

10. Avoid long exposure to the sun

Avoid long exposures to the sun and try to choose the best times, even if you have always been a real "lizard". Better to avoid the central hours: early morning and late afternoon are the ideal moments to sunbathe without taking risks. And always with high protection.