We explain with 10 images why we will miss Obama

Ours are years of cynical resignation. We bow our heads in the face of increasingly frequent environmental disasters, increasingly violent wars and social injustices that make us less and less human.
On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama made us raise our heads, reminding us that, yes, change is possible.

© GettyImages

Eight years, several failures and successes later, Obama has reached the end of his presidential term. We do not want to ignite controversy about his actions: it will be history to count them, contextualize them and issue a verdict.
What we want to do is take a moment to remember the "man behind the politician, the one who the American journalist David Brooks described as capable of" radiating integrity, humanity, good manners and elegance ".
And we want to do it with a smile.

See also

The 10 types of kisses and their meaning

Why is March 8th Women's Day? History and origins

Here's why saying yes to mimosa: benefits and properties of an underrated plant

We will miss Obama because no other president will dance to his rhythm ...

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... nor with the StarWars characters.

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For the spontaneity with which he had to deal with social networks ...

© Twitter: president Obama

... and with children ...

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... especially if you are dressed as Baby Papa.

© GettyImages

Because he always knew how to enter the scene ...

(when the door was the right one)

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... but above all how to get out of it.

Obama closed the "latest White House Correspondents" Dinner with a mic drop.

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Hello, Obamas!

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Tags:  News - Gossip Marriage Women-Of-Today