Test: the taste of the Easter egg you choose reveals something about you!

Chocolate: a food discussed, considering the psychological well-being that we derive from it, but also the abuse from which we should abstain. When Easter arrives, it is traditionally customary to give a chocolate egg. The tradition is very ancient, the egg is symbol of rebirth and has always symbolized the awakening of nature; donating eggs was considered a good omen for the fertility of the land since the Middle Ages and once upon a time it was customary to give a decorated egg. In the last century the tradition of chocolate spread, and so we make a stock because it is impossible not to go crazy!

Before taking the test, watch this video on foods that hide unexpected sugars!

Test: the taste of the Easter egg you choose reveals something about you!

Since at Easter chocolate eggs are now given as a sign of good luck, nowadays there are infinite and different types of chocolate eggs, perfect for every taste and palate. Based on what you prefer, we will reveal a little more about your personality. Do you want to find out? Take our test:

See also

Test: choose a symbol of autumn and find out about yourself!

Test: the dish you cook best reveals how you are!

Test: what moment of summer changed you forever?

And after the chocolate ... based on how you are, which detox dish is right for you? Take the test and find out!

Tags:  Marriage Parenthood Beauty