Natural weaning: everything you need to know

To begin natural weaning it is essential that the baby is able to sit alone, knows how to chew and say "no" if he does not like something, is interested in what his parents eat and wants to taste and discover everything for he is new. The child must approach the new solid foods independently and gradually by tasting and handling the food; the latter can be of various kinds: bread, pasta, rice, various flours, meat, fish, legumes, yogurt, vegetables and fruit; usually baby food and mashed potatoes are removed. The child will feed himself, it seems that this system also makes people appreciate different tastes. The birth of the first teeth, which are the indispensable tools for chewing, will be of great importance.

The concept underlying natural weaning is similar to that of breastfeeding on demand and should be introduced with small samples of food at a time, according to the self-regulation system.

Foods will always be introduced when the baby is in good health, in very small doses, always increasing very gradually. If a food was refused, proposing it again later could be accepted as children often change their minds. Do not completely abandon the milk, but only when the baby refuses it. We must not rush him or even try to take him; never leave him alone and don't expect him to eat everything the first few times; finally, never offer him foods that pose a choking hazard (grapes, peanuts ...).

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Baby food should not be completely excluded, but natural ones can be prepared using ingredients that make up the whole family's meal. The lunch and dinner times of the family must not be changed, but it will be the little one who will adapt spontaneously and naturally.

It is always important, if you decide to adopt this type of weaning, to contact your pediatrician.

See also:
Parents' mission: the advantages and risks of self-weaning
Baby's first days of life. How to live them serenely?
The first month of life of the newborn
First year of life. The advice quarter by quarter
The golden rules of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding and work, a possible combination?
The baby bottle
Breast milk: all its properties

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