Born in July: the zodiac sign of the month and its characteristics

While the "horoscope is concerned with" deciphering "our fate in terms of love, work and health, the studies of astrology try to outline our personality with strengths, weaknesses, interests and affinities in the relationships of each. Both are based on theories concerning the influence of the stars and zodiac signs on our life.

Today we will find out which is the zodiac sign of July - or rather, the two signs of this month - with their main characteristics.

Each month its zodiac sign

Before seeing specifically the two signs of January, let's review the "calendar" of the Zodiac according to the day and month. Everyone's main zodiac sign is the one who was in the position of the Sun at the time of their birth. The Sun, in fact, according to astrology and horoscope, determines your deepest self, your identity and is the essence of who you really are.

Aries: March 21 - April 20
Taurus: April 21 - May 20
Gemini: May 21 - June 21
Cancer: June 22 - July 22
Leo: July 23 - August 23
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Sagittarius: November 23 - December 21
Capricorn: December 22 - January 20
Aquarius: January 21 - February 19
Pisces: February 20 - March 20

Unlike the main sign, that is in the position of the Sun, the ascendant is the zodiac sign that was rising, at the exact moment of birth. To be calculated it requires a bit more precise information, because it is also based on your year and hours. precise of your birth.

See also

Born in December: the zodiac sign of the month and its characteristics

Born in January: the zodiac sign of the month and its characteristics

Born on July 21: all the characteristics of their zodiac sign

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The astrological sign of Cancer

All people born between June 22nd to July 22nd are of the sign of Cancer. Together with Scorpio and Pisces, it is the first of the signs of Water and is characterized by the strong influence of the Moon, a planet that symbolizes femininity and fertility.

Cancerians are very sensitive and emotional, endowed with a high level of empathy. They boast a great artistic flair, a romantic attitude and a strong propensity for dreams. It is no coincidence that their imagination is famous, and it is not surprising their interest in travel and the discovery of the world. However, the natives of Cancer are also distinguished for their being attached to the house. In fact, the first sign of the month of July is the sign of the family par excellence. He is strongly devoted to the family component and to the home, with which he has an inseparable bond. From a young age, an individual of the Cancer wants to build a family of his own and for this reason he mainly seeks serious stories in love.

All these qualities collide, however, with the unmistakable melancholy and susceptibility of the sign. Cancerians are very moody and touchy: woe to touch a sensitive point, they could close themselves in their shell and hold a grudge for a long time. In addition, many subjects have a very lazy nature if it is not dampened in some way by the ascendant. The need for certainty towards the partner can turn into jealousy and greed for attention.

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Cancer in love

Along with Pisces, Cancer is the romantic sign of the Zodiac. Love plays a central role in his life: he has always searched for it, from a young age, he dreams of it and does everything to be fulfilled in the private sphere. What he is looking for is simple: a family. The bond that every Cancerian has with "family and home environment is visceral, also due to the influence of the Moon. Not surprisingly, it is one of the signs of the zodiac less suitable for short one-night adventures, being by its nature prone to important and lasting stories. couple always reveals his generosity and sensitivity, but it is important to know that he seeks constant security from his partner.

Be careful, however, not to confuse the romanticism of Cancer with an exclusively platonic love.In this aspect they are very reminiscent of Scorpio, because for them the physical aspect of the relationship is as essential as the mental one. They thus manage to combine their sweet and affectionate side with a more transgressive and sensual one, reserved, however, only for their partner. a bit of naivety and immaturity in the initial stage of the relationship and also an sometimes excessive attachment to the partner that can lead to outbursts of jealousy.

Speaking of affinity, Cancer usually agrees with Taurus, a sign also linked to family and loved ones, with Virgo, for its determination in achieving goals, and Scorpio, thanks to its passion and love. sensual love. There are excellent possibilities in love and friendship with its cognate opposite sign which is Capricorn. More difficult is the situation with the signs of Fire and "Air, especially with Gemini and Sagittarius, but it can vary depending on the" ascending.

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The zodiac sign of Leo

All those born between 23 July and 23 August are of the sign of Leo. After Aries and before Sagittarius, Leo is the second of the three signs of the Zodiac united by the natural element of Fire. This sign is directly influenced by the Sun, which in astrology represents passion and energy, but also arrogance and vanity. It is not surprising that all of these are characteristics of Leo.

Lion cubs are known for their great generosity and pride of mind. All this leads them to often be leaders with great skills, because they have a strong personality, a special charisma and because they are always ready to help others when they Like its "Fire brothers" and the Earth signs, such as Virgo and Capricorn, Leo stands out for its organizational skills, determination and willingness to take on important responsibilities. work, but also in private life, where he cares with selflessness and dedication to those he loves.

However, to these qualities are added several defects. First of all, the second sign of July is known for its propensity to self-centeredness and narcissism, especially thanks to the influence of the Sun which makes it vain. In addition, he can be particularly short-tempered and grumpy when he feels cornered and senses that he is losing control over a situation or reason in an argument.

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The Lion in love

If there is a passionate sign of the Zodiac, that is undoubtedly Leo. In love, unlike what one might think, whoever was born from the second half of July is a very loyal and faithful partner, who turns out to be extremely generous and respectful of the "rules" of married life. All this does not mean that his love is exclusively platonic, because the physical component is fundamental for him. It translates, in fact, into passion and sensuality, making Leo, not surprisingly, one of the hottest zodiac signs.

But be careful, because with a Leo partner it's not all roses. In fact, it risks being too authoritarian at times and, of course, there is no lack of episodes of excessive possessiveness. Speaking of which, never betray a Leo. There will be almost no way to regain his trust, though less his love.

In terms of compatibility, usually a lion's soul mate is Libra, a sign of Air able to mitigate his irascible character and the impetuousness he shows in certain situations. There are also excellent possibilities with Scorpio, Sagittarius and Gemini, as long as the latter are willing to make a serious commitment to the relationship. A simple relationship with Pisces and Taurus is not expected, while depending on the ascendant, a relationship with Cancer may be more or less possible.

July zodiac sign