How the body reacts at the end of a story

Our thoughts venture into twisted streets, the days go by in tears and brooding ... and, in the meantime, how does our body react?
We describe 6 consequences that the end of a relationship has on our body and that we should learn to control.
Any advice to get better immediately? Listen ...

  1. · 1. Anxiety
  2. · 2. Chest pains
  3. · 3. Weight problems
  4. · 4. Muscle aches
  5. · 5. Puffy eyes
  6. · 6. Skin and hair problems

1. Anxiety

Did you know that breaking up has consequences on the brain similar to those caused by cocaine withdrawal? This is because, especially if there are problems of self-esteem involved, a sort of emotional dependence on the other person is activated in us which, when this one disappears. , turns into real anxiety.A similar psychophysical state causes problems with rest and concentration and, if not managed, can even turn into depression.

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2. Chest pains

What expression is better than "broken heart" to talk about a love story that ended badly?
But, idioms aside, did you know that your heart is in danger of really hurting after a bad breakup?
The excessive production in the body of cortisol and adrenaline, the hormones typically linked to stress, can be very dangerous for the heart. For this reason, especially for those suffering from heart problems, it is important to take time after a separation to engage in relaxing activities and recover serenity.

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3. Weight problems

Have you ever met your ex sometime after your breakup and find him unrecognizable? Unfortunately, excessive weight loss, or the exact opposite, is among the most common consequences of a breakup.
The aforementioned emotional stress can cause abdominal pain, indigestion and diarrhea which, in addition to making hunger pass, do not favor the absorption of food. tv, a few extra pounds may arise.

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4. Muscle aches

It seems that, after a breakup, spasms and muscle contractions are on the agenda. All this because we feel weaker and more vulnerable and, if it were up to us, we would stay all day in the house despairing and retracing the relationship from first to "". last in day, in search of the fatal mistake! It's not good girls, it's not good. Much better to suffer after giving it up with the abdominals, at least it will be worth it!

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5. Puffy eyes

The reaction to a breakup that spares practically no one? The tears. Real rivers of tears. Tears are divided into three types: the basal ones, which we release every day to keep the eyes moist and oxygenated, the physiological ones, which we produce in reaction to irritants (such as onions) and the psychic ones. The latter are the most annoying because, also involving heartbeat and breathing, it is difficult to stop them.
Wiping your eyes by rubbing them then makes the situation worse as it causes them to redden and swell further.

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6. Skin and hair problems

It must already be admitted that, immediately after the end of a relationship, personal care tends to take a bit of a background ... but, as if that were not enough, hormones are also added. The same stress hormones responsible for chest pain can also cause acne and hair loss. In short, it would be better to overcome the post-breakup trauma quickly and go back to being beautiful, perhaps with a new cut!

Tags:  News - Gossip Old-Couple Old-Test - Psyche