Body language: what is the meaning of placing your elbows on the table?

Sometimes the body is able to communicate more than words. Learning to observe and understand body language is very important: you will be able to immediately understand much more about the person in front of you, about what they feel (the body language of a man in love, for example, is unique!), Even emotions that he himself is not fully aware of.

Non-verbal communication is made up of small gestures that are difficult to control, and for this reason completely spontaneous and truthful. Learn to read them with us and whether they are a testimony of desire, for example, or low self-esteem, you will know how to exploit them or manage them better. Let's start immediately by exploring the meaning of a very simple gesture: rest your elbows on the table.

Rest your elbows on the table: what is the meaning of this gesture?

Placing your elbows on the table can take on different meanings. It can be first of all the expression of an inner conflict: the person who rests his elbows on the table needs to comfort himself, especially if this gesture is accompanied by shaking hands in each other. Whoever does it is looking for not to show feelings of negativity or tension towards a given situation.

On the other hand, those who rest their elbows on the table, supporting their chin with one or two hands, demonstrate deep interest in the person in front of them and, in general, concentration in listening.

See also

Body language: what is the meaning of folded arms?

Body language: what is the psychological significance of rolling hair?

Body language: what is the meaning of the hand in front of the mouth?

Is placing your elbows on the table a gesture of seduction?

If a man rests his elbows on the table and leans his body forward towards you, he is somehow trying to invade your territory. This gesture, therefore, is welcome within a game of seduction (you are interested in the other and you try to penetrate his universe), and you can also experiment with it to communicate your interest in the other through body language.

Avoid it, however, during negotiations with your boss or with a customer, so as not to be accused of lack of professionalism! It is a seductive sign only in the erotic field.

Rest your elbows on the table: what does the etiquette say?

As we have been taught since we were children, placing your elbows on the table is a sign of rudeness, but only when you eat! Etiquette says that resting your elbows lightly on the table between one plate and the other or when you have finished eating your meal is not a mistake.

Free then to flirt with this gesture without feeling rude! Just like this nice little dog lover of etiquette ...

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