Weekly horoscope January 4-10, 2021: Venus enters Capricorn!

Aries: good and bad news ...

Dear Aries, this week good and bad news await you: the good is that the planet Mercury, starting from Friday, will stop hindering your projects - especially your work ones - and will begin to favor you. The bad news, however, is that the planet Venus, again starting from the same date, will assume an unfavorable position: in the coming weeks some more misunderstanding with the partner is expected.

Taurus: welcome, Mars!

Dear Taurus, this week sees the entry of Mars into your sign: starting Wednesday, you will be flooded with the great energy of the red planet, which will give you all the strength you need to assert yourself! A few more obstacles are possible in the workplace, with Mercury unfavorable starting on Friday. The planet Venus, for its part, guarantees you luck in love, starting this weekend.

See also

Born in January: the zodiac sign of the month and its characteristics

Capricorn ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Leo ascendant Capricorn: the characteristics of this passionate and det sign

Gemini: great news!

Dear Gemini, wonderful news coming for your sign this week: starting from Friday the planet Venus will no longer be in opposition! After a rather unfortunate period in terms of feelings, now your little heart can finally find some peace. Pay attention to the days of Saturday and Sunday, when a moon in opposition will make you feel rather down.

Cancer: Venus opposite ...

Dear Cancer, unfortunately this week will see the entrance of the planet Venus in opposition to your sign: a rather tense period from a sentimental point of view begins for you, in which you may experience a small or large crisis with your partner. If you are single, it will be difficult to meet the man of your life these days, you will have to pay particular attention to manipulators and sentimental vampires ... Watch our video on the signs that lead to betrayal:

Leo: Mercury in opposition ...

Dear Leo, this week - unfortunately - the planet Mercury will come into opposition to your sign, joining Jupiter and Saturn. It will not be an easy period, especially from a professional point of view: you may find some enemies or more difficulties in completing your projects. Bet everything on Tuesday and Wednesday, when you will have a beautiful moon on your side, ready to support you with a little more luck.

Virgo: with the favor of Venus!

Dear Virgo, finally this week the planet Venus will return to your side! Starting on Friday, love will smile back at you and, in the coming weeks, you will be able to find serenity with your partner.Super lucky on Monday, with a beautiful moon in conjunction. Attention, however, to the days of Saturday and Sunday, which could be a bit tense due to the moon in an unfavorable position.

Libra: the moment you've been waiting for!

Dear Libra, here is the moment you were waiting for: starting from Wednesday, the planet Mars will no longer be in opposition to your sign! After taking your energy off and making you feel rather tired and stressed for several months, Mars is finally ready to favor you: you will immediately feel new energy and a lot more grit! Furthermore, starting from Friday, Mercury will also return in favor: some good news are expected at work.

Scorpio: Opposite Mars ...

Dear Scorpio, unfortunately this week the planet Mars will come into opposition to your sign, starting a period in which you will often feel tired, lacking in energy and quite stressed. Fortunately, love will take care of it to cheer you up! Starting from Friday, in fact, you can count on a splendid favorable Venus. Furthermore, Thursday and Friday will be two super-lucky days, with the moon in the sign.

Sagittarius: don't leave anything unfinished ...

Dear Sagittarius, on Friday the planet Venus will abandon your sign to move into that of Capricorn: make the most of the first part of the week to discuss with your partner any problem or issue left open - the agreement between you will be stellar ! Definitely lucky are the days of Saturday and Sunday, with a beautiful moon in conjunction. Not a day, however, that of Monday.

Capricorn: welcome, Venus!

Dear Capricorn, are you ready to welcome Venus in your sign? The planet of love will enter into conjunction starting on Friday: a very lucky period is about to begin as far as feelings are concerned! Furthermore, starting from Wednesday, Mars will assume a favorable position: after so many months in the "enemy" sign of Aries, you will finally recover so much energy!

Aquarius: Mercury in the sign!

Dear Aquarius, this week the planet Mercury will enter your sign, reaching Jupiter and Saturn! It will be a very fortunate period, especially as regards the field of work: there will certainly be opportunities to take on the fly, and some of you could really revolutionize your life ... obviously for the better! Lucky days: Saturday and Sunday. Days off: Thursday and Friday.

Pisces: Venus is on your side!

Dear Pisces, this week a wonderful news awaits you: starting from Friday, the planet Venus - which in the last period has given you a hard time - will return to act in your favor! Love will smile at you in the coming weeks, singles could have good encounters. Monday will be a bit of a heavy day due to the opposing moon. The days of Thursday and Friday are definitely more fortunate.

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