"I can't sleep": causes and remedies for sleep problems

Lack of sleep also causes harmful effects on the body, so to keep yourself strong and healthy you must necessarily sleep well. Failure to dominate, often and willingly, is accompanied by a state of general agitation and a considerable dose of anxiety .

How many times has it happened to you to start tossing and turning in bed and suddenly thinking: "I can't sleep"? Even just a sleepless night is enough to feel a sense of exhaustion throughout the next day.

Before reading, there is a short video for you to find out how long you should sleep each night based on your zodialkal sign!

Sleeping well is important

When was the last time you slept for at least 7/8 hours straight? many.

For many people who suffer from sleep disorders, sleeping well becomes a real mission impossible: there are many who suffer from insomnia, but sleep is essential for life, like water, air and food.

Sleep and survival go hand in hand. What do we mean? Getting a good sleep helps recharge your batteries and feel better immediately, recovering a state of tranquility and leaving stress behind. Sleeping also promotes cell regeneration, and lack of sleep can lead to serious consequences including death.

To the detriment of those who say "who sleeps does not catch fish", a human being should sleep at least a third of his entire life, to prevent this from becoming shortened by being affected by it.

See also

Having trouble sleeping? 6 ideal foods to improve your sleep

The most effective meditation exercises for sound sleep

Circadian cycle: biological clock, sleep-wake rhythm and sleep disturbances

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The benefits of sleep

Have you ever wondered what are the benefits that a night's sleep brings to your body? We want to list them below to have them clearly in mind:

  • The brain eliminates toxins during sleep
  • Sleep prevents neurodegenerative diseases
  • Sleeping well improves learning skills
  • Sleep eliminates stress, causes the brain to process it into positive energy
  • While you sleep, your immune system is strengthened
  • If you sleep well you will have a regular metabolism (the two factors are closely linked)

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I can't sleep: all the negative effects

Some harmful effects of lack of sleep are immediately visible on our body, others instead manifest themselves in the long term. But what are the main negative effects of not being able to sleep? Here's what happens if you don't sleep well or don't sleep at all:

  • Reaction times are longer: if you haven't slept well it is absolutely not recommended to drive. If, on the other hand, sleep comes suddenly while you are driving, stop immediately and rest.
  • Cognitive problems arise because there is a decrease in the production of neurons.
  • A state of mental confusion ensues and emotions are amplified.
  • You can get sick more easily because your immune system is weakened.
  • It increases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • You are more stressed and increases the cortisol (stress hormone) in the blood.
  • The more likely you are to have inflammation.
  • You can gain weight more easily.
  • You wake up tired already and you don't want to dedicate yourself to physical exercise.
  • The metabolism goes crazy.
  • Anxiety, depression and cognitive disturbances ensue.
  • Witness premature aging of the whole body.
  • Increases the risk of fibromyalgia (chronic pain).

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Any erratic attitude towards sleep should not be underestimated.
If you find that you sleep a few hours a night and sleep badly, never deeply and always with intermittent hours, this must be used as an alarm bell.

One of the worst things that insomnia sufferers do is fill up with coffee, thus trying to keep awake during the day even when sleep would like to take over.

However, this habit is not healthy, because it can lead to the establishment of a vicious circle: you are tired because you have not slept much, you drink coffee or other energetic and stimulating drinks, risking to inhibit rest.

As a result, you go into a new sleepless night and the next day, to make up for the fatigue, you will again resort to massive doses of coffee. And so on.

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I can't sleep: what do I do?

For many individuals, not sleeping is not a choice, but a situation that happened without them being able to do much about it. If it is not addressed and resolved immediately it leads to very serious problems that we mentioned in the previous paragraphs. What to do to remedy all this? Here are some tips.

  • Supplements for good sleep

Melatonin is the hormone that controls sleep and if you are having trouble sleeping, it may be upset. Try taking a melatonin supplement.
Even magnesium could help you primarily because it acts in synchrony with melatonin: if you are deficient in magnesium, melatonin may have no effect. Finally, even if it is not a supplement, jasmine oil has a calming power that is perfect for promote sleep.

  • Foods to help you sleep

Some foods can also contribute and promote sleep, among these there are some fruits such as bananas and cherries which contain respectively potassium and melatonin. Oats which contain tryptophan (mood controller) and flax seeds which raise the level of serotonin.

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Tips for sleeping well

For many, the time to go to bed becomes a real nightmare especially if we know that we will not be able to sleep. We have studied 5 tips for you to put into practice right away to finally give yourself a restful night's sleep and say goodbye to insomnia forever.

1. Create a sleep / wake routine
Try to go to sleep at the same time every night and always wake up at the same time in the morning. In this way you will create a real routine by accustoming your body to the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.

2. Turn off electronic devices
Electronic devices such as TVs or smartphones should be turned off at least 1 hour before going to bed. his because the blue light produced by these screens interferes with the production of melatonin and disrupts the biological clock.

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3. Pamper yourself before bed
A small gesture repeated every night before going to bed will be enough to immediately feel better. A cup of hot herbal tea, an aromatic oil to smell ... it won't take much to tell the body that it's time to sleep.

4.Adjust the bedroom temperature
The temperature in the bedroom should always be around 15 ° or 20 ° degrees, this is because at night the body temperature drops, but if the room is too hot you will have a hard time falling asleep.

5. Take a hot shower
Two hours before going to bed, take a warm shower that will promote a peaceful and relaxed sleep. Maybe after a shower use an aromatic body cream that will wipe out insomnia with aromatherapy.

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The doctor's opinion

Sleep disturbance is more common than you might think and in some cases the remedies described above are not enough. These are people for whom sleep becomes a real disease.

If you do not find a solution and not sleeping is affecting your life more and more, contact a doctor who will decide to prescribe specific tests or sedative drugs. The latter act on the receptors of the central nervous system, producing a tranquilizing action.

Finally, to tackle the problem of sleep and fall asleep easily there are sleeping pills, but they must be taken under strict medical supervision and never doing it on your own.

To conclude, we know how stressful everyday life, work, children, daily problems are, create in all of us a state of anxiety that irreparably affects the quality of sleep. The remedies are there, but the first step is to always listen and indulge your body.

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