Pregnancy test: here are the best methods to monitor conception

And so you have decided to expand your family with a child: what a wonderful thing!
It would be nice to want it and get pregnant immediately, but we know that unfortunately it is not always possible, indeed, let's say that in most cases, the conception of a child requires time, patience and above all a lot of care.

  1. · Keep ovulation under control!
  2. · The right temperature
  3. · A little help for him and her
  4. · The most reliable pregnancy tests

First of all, both parents (and not just the mother) must pay particular attention to nutrition and limit, if not eliminate, the consumption of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco!
Of course, a coffee in the morning or a glass of wine from time to time will certainly not compromise your fertility, but if you are a smoker or drink alcohol often during the week, it is very important to stop, so you will still have to stop during pregnancy and " feeding time!

The quality of the sperm also depends on the lifestyle of the future father: encourage him to adopt healthier habits!

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You will probably have to make several attempts (an excellent opportunity to increase or regain intimacy and complicity with your partner.) On average, a healthy couple takes 6 months to 2 years to conceive a child.
We still recommend that you see a doctor even if you are just starting to try. It is always best to check that both of you have no problems.

Once you have established that there are no problems, you will need several tools to monitor the situation: ovulation tests to understand what is the best time to try to conceive and above all pregnancy tests in case of a delayed period!
That is why we have prepared a list of the best pregnancy and ovulation tests, also combined in multipacks. Ordering them on Amazon is not only cheaper, but also more indiscreet than a pharmacy!
You will save and keep any curious people away!

See all pregnancy tests on Amazon

Keep ovulation under control!

50 ovulation tests that measure the amount of progesterone in your blood, indicating the best days to try to conceive.
In the multipack you will also find 20 ultra-sensitive pregnancy tests with which to check the results.
Very accurate and convenient. But we wish you don't need to use them all!

© Buy on Amazon for € 16.64

The right temperature

The flexible tip basal thermometer measures basal temperature with precision up to two decimal points. Try it as an alternative to ovulation sticks. When the temperature is higher, it may be the ideal time for conception!

© Buy on Amazon for € 19.90

A little help for him and her

To improve conception, make sure you are well lubricated.
This lubricant is ideal for all couples looking to have a baby: clinically tested, it contains essential calcium and magnesium ions to support sperm vitality.

© Buy on Amazon for € 13.85

The most reliable pregnancy tests

If you're trying to get pregnant, chances are you need to get more tests.
This is why a multipack could be a solution to save time and money.
This kit contains 3, they are small and discreet and easy to take with you. On Amazon you can buy 3 boxes for less than 13 euros!

© Buy on Amazon for € 12.99

If you want to do more than one, you will need super fast and reliable pregnancy tests. One of these is the First Response, which has the ability to detect a pregnancy even six days before the supposed arrival of the menstrual cycle. After 3 minutes you will know if you got pregnant or if you need to try again: two lines is positive, one line, negative.

© Buy on Amazon for € 11.95

If, on the other hand, you don't trust the classic result with lines, Clearblue is the ideal test for you. It literally tells you if you are pregnant and if so, by how many weeks.
Clearblue is the only digital pregnancy test that will leave little room for doubt.


Buy on Amazon for 12 € <

Tags:  Old-Couple Actuality Horoscope