Cow's milk: yes or no? When can it be introduced into the child's diet?

How rapid is a child's progress! In the first few years of life, a baby changes its needs and grows at great speed. For example, the language begins to develop around 8 months, while from 1 to 3 years the child learns an average of 900 words. Logical skills begin to build around a year and a half and are completed around 4 years. Weight increases by 55%, while height increases by 21 centimeters (almost one centimeter per month!). We can therefore understand how his nutritional needs are also very specific: from 1 to 3 years a child, in relation to weight compared to an adult, needs for example four times more iron, three times more calcium, and five times more. of vitamin D.

In this period, proper nutrition plays a fundamental role in the development and future health of the child. It is important to emphasize that the first thousand days of life are essential for the whole existence. It is in the time span from conception to two years of age that the foundations are laid for the well-being of future years as well. The World Health Organization recalls that proper nutrition in the first period of life contributes to reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases. In this delicate phase, milk is a fundamental food.

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Since when is it possible to give cow's milk to a newborn? Never under 12 months.

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WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for at least the first 6 months of life and in any case as long as possible, according to the wishes of mother and baby. In the absence of breast milk, the best choice, always following the instructions of the pediatrician, is specific milk for infancy. The child is not in fact a “small adult” and the nutrition must therefore be tailor-made.

Daily nutrition must provide an adequate level of all the main nutrients. For this reason, according to specialists, cow's milk, low in iron but too rich in protein, is not suitable until at least the 12th month.

Iron plays an important role in brain development and cognitive abilities. At birth, a newborn has an iron reserve that allows him to meet the needs of the first six months or so. Subsequently, it is necessary to introduce iron through the complementary diet. Breastfeeding is sufficient to maintain a proper balance in the intake of the substance. Later, the iron that is provided by the complementary diet becomes essential.

However, recent studies show that many children in most European countries are exposed to unbalanced nutrition. The iron requirement of a child, as we have seen, is four times higher than that of an adult, in proportion to the weight. Growth milk, within a diversified diet, can help provide an adequate supply of the precious mineral. Also for this reason many experts suggest not to introduce cow's milk before 24 months.

See also:
Foods to avoid while breastfeeding
Baby's first days of life. How to live them serenely?
The first month of life of the newborn